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BB Panels Plasti-Dip coated.

That said I have had a look st them again looks like most of the problem is over extrusion have you calibrated extruded stepper motor, and flow rate
Flow Rate is the only thing I haven't touched, it's still at the default 100% for PLA.

I will try tweaking it by 5% increments and do a few 1 layer tests, my main problem on these panels is the magnet holes are VERY close the the edge, slight warp or poor adhesion and it's scrap.

Thank you for the tips :)
Look nice mate good job what sort of price range you looking at

Still working on the best pricing options, This Plasti-Dip has bumped my costs up and doesn't go as far as I had hoped, 3-4 coats, I am going to test these samples over the next few days but I suspect I may need the special primer, Plasti-Dip is intended to peel off when you want to but should stay on until try hard to peel it off, if I find it's too easy I will have to use their special primer to make it permanent.

My main goal is to try and get these panels under the £30 mark, customised ones will be more depending on requirements.
@Vapaneezer Scrooge to help with edges detailing slow the speed for perimeters both external and internal say 30mm/s for external 60mm/s for inner perimeters. In Cura you could try the iron feature I found it hit and miss personally.

For flow rate take a 20mm cube print in vase mode with no top and in vase mode only one perimeter at 0.4mm width then measure that with a calliper

Then in slicer change flow to new rate

new flow rate
Current Flow Rate×(Expected Thickness÷Actual Thickness)

so example
1*(0.40/0.42) = 0.952

0.42 being actual measured thickness

Hope that helps a bit.
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