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Billet Box, what's the crack?

That looks the dogs doodah's. How much did that set up cost, all in?

I reckon about £220, which includes an original Vapeshell and MTL reducer kit. Panels were from Naturevape, although you can probably get them cheaper from Fasttech.
Another customization option would be to get a Zapwrap. They work really well on the panels and the possibilities are endless.
SXK BB 70 watt clone with Zapwrap panels and Vapeshell clone inside. Probably costing more like £100 in total.


Sxk dober Billetbox with a clone vapeshell inside

Love it so much I have an authentic coming tomorrow

Absolutely perfect vape for me restricted DL with no inserts on the vapeshell
1ohm 16.2w
Spartan what does the word dober refer to outta interest .
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