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Bishop 2.

so maybe only one air inlet?

Or maybe not ;)


And again only orings hold the deck so no no not for me, but I do like the look of it
Its quite a hard rta to follow up as its always ranked in the best of rtas and is generally liked by a lot of people. Wonder how they will price it.
Based on the link below it's looking more of a facelift than much else. Looks to have a new drip tip, air pin holes slightly inset, plain as opposed to a hexagon on the base and what appear to be revised deck posts which would be an improvement. Elsewhere I've seen air pin sizes of 0.9, 1.1, 1.4, 1.6 and 2mm, a top refill kit and that it will be a similar price.

It really looks the same, the changes don't look like they will have any affect on the draw or flavour. They should of just called it bishop 1.5
They had them on ecigone preorder but sold out already. Been thinking about trying a bishop for some time, I have the bishop cubed and it's great. Unsure if it's worth waiting for the 2 to be in stock vs the original
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