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Bliss Clone help!


Nov 20, 2013
Hi. I've been rebuilding protank microcoils for a month or two now and decided to take the plunge into RBA world.
Got my self a bliss clone and a shiny vv/vw mod with ohm checker.
i built a 1.4ohm microcoil with a u-wick made from cotton. Seems to wick and vape fine. Lots of flavour and vapour at 10-11w / 4.8-5v but the draw is far too airy.
are all RBA's this airy? Or is it just the Bliss Clone? maybe I just got too used to protanks???

just for giggles I stuck my mini pt2 on this mod to check my latest microcoil resistance and it was 0.7ohm! No wonder the little bugger was sucking juice! Lol
The clone comes with a stoopidly massive hole.

I stuck tape over half of it to tighten the draw before I got shot. Other tips might be to get a drinks tin, cut it, slide it into the atty and make a hole to size.

It's probably the second worst genny I've had. Yep, the vape is great but the flavour sucks arse.
i did give in and get the tape out which improved things a bit :-)

The thing only cost me a couple of quid from ebay as it was my first go. Now as well as the U-Wick micro coila nd cotton i've shoved in a chimney wick with cotton on the other side. Vape and flavour is great if i huff the bastard thing like a bong.....or so i've heard....:drool:

Got an ohm problem now! it';s currently 0.8 ohm and wont fire on my MOD. Having to use an old ego-c twist. To be fair it vapes and tastes great but hasn't got the kick and maybe needs some more watts...
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