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Thank you. Should i ask here? Or post elsewhere? I have a fairly lengthy body of text to post. I already have it typed out.

Here we go. If i need to move it, then thats no problem. Feel free to delete, edit or move the text.....

As a new vaper i found the different choices bewildering but i read a few reviews and decided to go for the Endura T22

Prior to this i smoked 15 Silk Cut Purple a day (this was 10 before they ridiculously banned packets of 10)

I didn’t want to fall victim to the governments (Tobacco company sponsored (in my opinion, not the opinion of the website)) plot to get people to spend more on cigarettes. So i decided enough was enough and began my vaping journey.

I visited Vape Shop A and bought a T22

I was shocked at how harsh vaping was compared to smoking Silk Cut Purple. It made me cough and splutter. Even when it didn’t, i felt on the verge of coughing.

The shop i got the T22 from (Vape Shop A) had also sold me 2 bottles of 12mg e-liquid. Which was (i believe) 95% PG. Although at the time i didn’t know there was PG and VG. I just thought the E-Juice came in different flavours and strengths.

I complained to a vaping friend about the harshness and coughing. He suggested i try 6mg strength.

I did. It was less harsh but still harsher than Silk Cut Purples. Plus i wasn’t certain i was getting the nicotine i needed.

I needed some more coils. I went to Vape Shop A and they sold me some 1.8 ohm coils.

Still harsh.

Then i heard about VG. So i went to Vape Shop A and asked for some VG juice. They said my coil wasn’t suitable for VG and that the most i could use was 60/40

They sold me some 60/40

I did think this was much better. I thought “This is it. This is what it’s all about”. That lasted for a day. Then the harshness returned.

I swapped the coil.

I got fresh juice.

I went to a different vape shop. Vape Shop B

The man in vape shop B said T22’s aren’t very good because the coils they use can’t take more than 60% VG

He let me try (what i think was) a SMOK V8

It was much much smoother.

He offered to sell me one at a really good price. I declined because i didn’t have enough money on me. Also it was only about 10 days since i bought the T22

I returned to Vape Shop A. I bought different e-juices, stronger, milder, stronger, milder, much milder. All 60/40

Most seemed ok for the first couple of puffs but then too harsh after that.

Everywhere i look, the T22 recieves good reviews. So what am i doing wrong?

Whenever i change the coils, i always get tweezers and pull everything out. There is always a black area on the cotton. Even on those i have only used for a day.

YES – I wait at least 10 mins after putting in a new coil, before beginning to vape.

I started my last coil of the packet of 5 yesterday. I think rather than buy more coils i am going to return to Vape Shop B, pay the extra and get a Smok V8

Unless anyone has any other suggestions?

Something no one has mentioned and thats the TFV8 is not going to work on a Endura t22 you would need a duel battery mod 150w or higher plus 2 sets of batteries and a battery charger, which maybe out of range for your pocket at the moment. The tfv8 is also for DTL vaping ie directly into the lungs, the device you have is used MTL which is the same as you smoked, take a draw into your mouth then take it down, MTL creates a lot less vapour so higher nicotine liquids are better to stave off the cravings for a smoke.
Some people are PG intolerant, i find pg irritates my lungs and the tubes leading to them and the same goes for high Nic juices so i DTL vape as this is not as harsh for me. I would say you maybe better getting a mod with 50-80 watts range and a maybe a low waatage range sub ohm tank like a Kanger subtank, Kanger subtank can be used for both MTL or DTL vaping depending on which coils you buy it also comes with a coil head that you can rebuild, these save you a fortune in the long run as all you need to buy is some kanthal wire and some Cotton which will cost less than a pack of coils and last you months .
I would just keep an eye out for one going cheap if you decide to do that.
If you are used to smoking Silk cut's then I'd say you're more in need of a MTL (Mouth To Lung) type device, Something like the Aspire Zelos kit would be more suited to you. I'm not sure whats happening with the T22 thats causing it to burn like that but I'm suspecting it's the way you're drawing on it - Vaping isn't like smoking - if you draw very lightly on a ciggie then you just get a smoke. If you don't draw quite hard enough on an Ecig then you are likely to get whats known as a dry hit (it will give a harsh burnt edge to the flavour and will feel very scratchy in the throat) - this is caused by not getting enough air to flow over the coil resulting in the juice getting burnt and will also slow down the wicking of juice to the coil, again resulting in the juice getting burnt. Something like the Zelos kit (Zelos mod & Nautilus 2 atomiser) with the 1.8 coil will give a really tight draw and you'll need to get less air through it, It will also deal far better with thicker liquids - infact upto 70%Vg is commonly quoted.
Before you rush out and look for something else - or just give up, try one last fresh coil in your T22 and try drawing harder as you press the fire button, it may be a lot more than your used to and it's quite possible the first few puffs will make you cough, but you get used to it pretty quickly and once you get things under control you will realise vaping can work for you too...
All part of starting off mate I wasted a bunch of cash on the wrong gear at the beginning lol, not saying that you did though. If I were to give you the best advice I could give you personally it would be to trash that and get a Cleito with a mod that can handle 30-100w depending on what ohms you're wanting to stay at. But I can't really just say that and expect your problems to go away with a click of the money fairy's fingers. .6mg liquid is usually harsh to me and a few friends depending on the liquid, I smoke rolling tobacco too and it's pretty harsh, but not .6mg harsh. If you stick with it then each time you stick a new coil in let it sit for a while (30ish mins), lower the wattage, take short toots, boost the wattage slowly and you should be away. Gunk does form on the cotton quickly and regularly especially if you're vaping heavy liquid, but if your coil's getting doofed straight away and it's way too harsh even before that I'd just eventually get fed up and chuck 15 quid on a Cleito v1 mate it's less hassle lol
Thank you everyone. That is a lot of info to take in. I will take a photo of the dismantled coils i have so you can see what i mean.

@Leni I am "a dick" btw. I'm also a self loather, so anything you throw at me, i'll have already thought it. There's nothing an internet forum bully can do to lower my self esteem.

I'll go find those coils.
@Leni I am "a dick" btw. I'm also a self loather, so anything you throw at me, i'll have already thought it. There's nothing an internet forum bully can do to lower my self esteem.

I'm not a bully. I'm generally very welcoming and if you were to look through my posts, you would see I regularly try to help new vapers. I also have pathologically low self esteem, there's a lot of it going around. Regardless of your mental health issues, as someone else pointed out, it's kinda just decent not to be rude to people you're about to ask for help.

Hope you start to enjoy your vape.
Here you go. One of these i had in for less than a day. Hope it works.

Someone asked if i chain-vaped? Is that using it continuously. I would say no because i tend to start coughing after 4 or 5 goes. I think i possibly would chain vape if i didn't start coughing. The day i mentioned when i thought i had cracked it, i was using it LOADS without an issue on 6mg Rhubard & Custard by Vampire Vapes.

I also enjoyed i dunno how to spell it but Heisenberg (Walter Whites alias) for a bit. I laughed when i noticed it was blue. It was kind of after i switched back to Rhubarb & Custard that it all started to go wrong.

I just thought....Does it matter how much liquid there is in the tank?


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Hmmmm. Hasn't come out very well but hopefully well enough for one of you to be able to see whether thats what they should or shouldn't look like.
That is dry and burnt wick.
How do you fully prime your coil before using it? How long do you take a drag for before releasing the button? What pg/vg ratio you using? What watts you got your mod set at when you change the coil? What watts do you crank it up to and how soon after changing the coil?
Yeah buddy try not to chain vape them. I work in a vape shop and we sell loads of the t18e kits im not to familier with the t22 kit but im sure its the same tank as the old t18 kit thats no longer tpd compliant. My advice would be everytime that you feel like u need a cigarette take a couple of long steady draws and collect the vapour in your mouth then inhale try not to puff it like a cigarette. If that fails and you tried it that way then it could possibly be a fault with the mod its self maybe kicking out to much power. Also when you put in a new coil do you prime it properly.

1.Put a few drops of liquid into the hole at the top of the coil
2. Fill the tank and put lid back on.
3. Turn tank upside down for 15 seconds or so once you turn it back up the level of liquid should of dropped.
4. Top tank back up and give it a few puffs without firing the mod
Yeah thats burnt to merry hell, as everyone seems to be struggling to nail down whats going wrong exactly I'd lean towards the nuclear option and junk it for a modular system. Something like the nautilus 2 and an entry level variable mod, zelos kit is indeed a good option. The Aspire BVC coils handle higher VG well and you can adjust the wattage to suit. Something about the T22 clearly isn't suiting the way you vape matey.
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