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Brainwashed Followers

Looks like a nasty dry & burnt wick to me.

You don't need to get new kit, just start priming your coils & letting them re-soak before another puff.

Also, yes, it does matter how much liquid is in the tank.

The basic idea with any coils is that they are wrapped in cotton, its the cotton that soaks up the liquid & then the coils heat to vaporize the juice. If the cotton is not soaked there is nothing for the coils to vaporize so they burn the cotton. Burning cotton is like inhaling smoke from a fire, obviously very nasty & I'd bet this is the problem you've been having.

1. When you replace the coil, drip a few drops of liquid onto the cotton before assembly.
2. Put everything together & top up your tank with juice.
3. Leave it alone for 10 mins to soak up the juice.
4. Start at a low wattage & slowly build up to where you like the flavor.
5. Don't take long drag, after long drag, after long drag. As this drys the cotton out without letting it re-soak
6. If you are chain vaping then take a couple of dry pulls between each hit. (don't push the button down & pull air through the vape) This pulls extra juice through the cotton.

Hope this helps, let us know how you get on.
another thing to keep in mind with the T22 @Triple Sub is that the coil is at the top of the tank so you need to tilt it to help the juice flow to the coil ( as the badly photo shopped image shows :) ) famous56.jpg to the naysayers that the T18/T22 cant handle high vg well my wife uses both daily and happily vapes 70/80% vg without issue (she does not chain vape of course ;) )

the T22 may not suit how you vape but I would suggest you persevere with it a little longer before spending your hard earned

and a little point on coughing .... when I started smoking I coughed ( I smoked for over 33 years and coughed daily) , my vapers cough was gone pretty quickly ;) hopefully yours will be too
If you are used to smoking Silk cut's then I'd say you're more in need of a MTL (Mouth To Lung) type device, Something like the Aspire Zelos kit would be more suited to you. I'm not sure whats happening with the T22 thats causing it to burn like that but I'm suspecting it's the way you're drawing on it - Vaping isn't like smoking - if you draw very lightly on a ciggie then you just get a smoke. If you don't draw quite hard enough on an Ecig then you are likely to get whats known as a dry hit (it will give a harsh burnt edge to the flavour and will feel very scratchy in the throat) - this is caused by not getting enough air to flow over the coil resulting in the juice getting burnt and will also slow down the wicking of juice to the coil, again resulting in the juice getting burnt. Something like the Zelos kit (Zelos mod & Nautilus 2 atomiser) with the 1.8 coil will give a really tight draw and you'll need to get less air through it, It will also deal far better with thicker liquids - infact upto 70%Vg is commonly quoted.
Before you rush out and look for something else - or just give up, try one last fresh coil in your T22 and try drawing harder as you press the fire button, it may be a lot more than your used to and it's quite possible the first few puffs will make you cough, but you get used to it pretty quickly and once you get things under control you will realise vaping can work for you too...


I doubted you, you know....

I thought "Hmmm. That won't work but might as well try".

I tried. It was a whole lot better. THANK YOU.

Thank you all for taking the time out to try to help.

One other thing that i was doing wrong. I was pressing the fire button, then bringing the device to my mouth, which i think could have been making the vape harsher. Since i have stopped doing that and combined with the advice from @Tubbyengineer the whole experiemce has become much better.

I'm going to re-read through everyones posts because i do want to upgrade at some point and i will never remember it all.

It will be useful when i am deciding what to get next.

Cheers people.
another thing to keep in mind with the T22 @Triple Sub is that the coil is at the top of the tank so you need to tilt it to help the juice flow to the coil ( as the badly photo shopped image shows :) ) View attachment 134545 to the naysayers that the T18/T22 cant handle high vg well my wife uses both daily and happily vapes 70/80% vg without issue (she does not chain vape of course ;) )

the T22 may not suit how you vape but I would suggest you persevere with it a little longer before spending your hard earned

and a little point on coughing .... when I started smoking I coughed ( I smoked for over 33 years and coughed daily) , my vapers cough was gone pretty quickly ;) hopefully yours will be too

Thanks for this. I will try the tilt method. I kinda thought you had to keep it fairly vertical but that was just an assumption. Nobody actually told me that. I thought the juice would come out of the end lol

I will get some 70% VG too if i can find any locally.
Just put got a new coil. The one in there has been in for a week(ish). It has the burnt bits in the middle too. However, it was in there and being used for days before @Tubbyengineer 's advice and my fire button realisation. So, if i pull this one out in a couple of days, i am hoping it won't have a burnt middle. If it does i'll be most crestfallen. If it doesn't then that'll be great. Even greater than a bowl of Frosties.

BTW - I have just discovered that Vape Shop A sold me a pre-TPD device, after 20th May. Ooooops. *horrified but smirking face*

I saw the TPD compliant T22 tanks in (new shop) Vape Shop C and they looked out of proportion.

Now then, if there are still some establishments selling pre-TPD tanks, then am i right in thinking that i should sort out my upgrade ASAP so i can hopefully get a larger tank?

I appreciate that it is un-lawful but it's an ill-thought, ill-concieved law in my opinion (Just my opinion. Not necessarily fact and certainly not the views of the website, site owner, host, registrar or author)

Right. I'll go think of some more stupid questions.

BTW the thread title "Brainwashed Followers" is from a tune of the same or similar title by Hip-Hop act "De La Soul". It was the B-Side of either Me, Myself & I or (if not) Say No Go.

Just thought i'd say.


  • 20170725_130556.jpg
    285 KB · Views: 30
When I was young we used to call silk cut "silkies" and there was a big scandal/rumour of folk saying they caused cancer because of silicon in the filter. Also jps used to have the stigma of being thought to make your lungs bleed for 5 mins for every one smoked. Not sure if these were urban legends or what. The local fags of choice were kensitas club.

My Mum smoked JPS for 30 years. Don't think they made her lungs bleed but they certainly contributed to her COPD and early departure.

I never smoked a cigarette till my mid-20's. The first thing i smoked was a joint. Which i liked. I smoked cannabis for probably 10 years or so. Then i got bored of it. So i stopped. No withdrawal symptoms. No problem.

Thing is, i WAS addicted to the tobacco, mixed into the joints with the cannabis. So being the weak individual that i am. I smoked cigarettes.


Cannabis = Non Addictive. Easy To Stop. Certain Medicinal Purposes.
Death Toll = 0 (directly*)
Government Take £0.00 In Tax.

Tobacco = Extremely Addictive. Difficult To Stop. No Medicinal Value (That I Am Aware Of)
Death Toll = Significant
Government Take £HUGENESS In Tax.

Which substance should be illegal?

*Indirectly there may have been deaths by actions attributed to cannabis use. Psychosis. Schizophrenia. Paranoia induced etc but the numbers are insignificant in comparrison to deaths from conditions related to or exacerbated by smoking tobacco.

Errrrrrrrm. Sorry @zouzounaki ! I veered off topic radically there, like a dog passing a butchers.
Something no one has mentioned and thats the TFV8 is not going to work on a Endura t22 you would need a duel battery mod 150w or higher plus 2 sets of batteries and a battery charger, which maybe out of range for your pocket at the moment. The tfv8 is also for DTL vaping ie directly into the lungs, the device you have is used MTL which is the same as you smoked, take a draw into your mouth then take it down, MTL creates a lot less vapour so higher nicotine liquids are better to stave off the cravings for a smoke.
Some people are PG intolerant, i find pg irritates my lungs and the tubes leading to them and the same goes for high Nic juices so i DTL vape as this is not as harsh for me. I would say you maybe better getting a mod with 50-80 watts range and a maybe a low waatage range sub ohm tank like a Kanger subtank, Kanger subtank can be used for both MTL or DTL vaping depending on which coils you buy it also comes with a coil head that you can rebuild, these save you a fortune in the long run as all you need to buy is some kanthal wire and some Cotton which will cost less than a pack of coils and last you months .
I would just keep an eye out for one going cheap if you decide to do that.

Thank you. The inevitable silly questions, sorry....


You said....

"....it also comes with a coil head that you can rebuild..."

Hahaha. You have never seen my DIY !

If i tried this....

Where would i get some kanthal wire? Are there different types? Are you allowed to post a link? If so, could you please? If not, then yeah i can google but is there a specific type?

2) As above but...what sort of cotton would i need? I'm assuming i can't just rip up an old t-shirt? Where do they sell the type of cotton suitable?

I remember a website i used to buy stainless steel mesh from for my koi filters. They had a section for e-cig mesh. I often thought "Where does the mesh go in one of them"? Maybe they have suitable items on there?

UPDATE - They have wicking material ! And stainless steel mesh. Can i post a link? I have no connection to this company, other than being an in-frequent customer.


Mods-Please delete the link if its not allowed. I am not connected to the company. Just alerting other users to a possible source of materials. The mesh i have bought for my koi filters has always been good quality and delivered promptly, so i can vouch for them in that respect.

3) Could you or anyone suggest such a mod? Idiot proof ideally. Would the 2 batteries be the 18650's that i have seen people mention?

4) A Kanger Sub Tank? Sounds interesting. I will google these. Another poster mentioned an Aspire Cleito. That's also a tank yeah? What's the difference between the two. I spose i could google the difference but if anyone knows, it would be helpful.

Thanks all.
@Triple Sub ,

Same story here, I reckon half the smokers in my generation got hooked on fags the same way.

And don't get me started on anti-cannabis propaganda... reefer madness an all that..!
@zouzounaki Reefer Madness lol, a classic! ;)

@Triple Sub - don't fret about posting a link, the mods here are savvy enough to know when someone is posting in good faith and not for profit :)
I like http://www.wireandstuff.co.uk/ or http://www.stealthvape.co.uk/wire for wire - you might find the huge range of products bewildering at first so just ask for advice if ya need to.

I've got a Kanger subtank and a Cleito, and find the Cleito easier to build with but the Kanger is good too. The Cleito is also more geared to a direct lung inhale with a subohm coil and low nicotine liquid so I'm not sure if that will suit you as well as the Kanger as you can get plus-ohm stock coils for the Kanger (1.8 I think) and overall I find that with the Kanger you can tweak the airflow sufficiently to get a mouth to lung draw or a looser lung inhale. Ofc if you start building your own coils you can choose what resistance you build at.
Thank you. The inevitable silly questions, sorry....


You said....

"....it also comes with a coil head that you can rebuild..."

Hahaha. You have never seen my DIY !

If i tried this....

Where would i get some kanthal wire? Are there different types? Are you allowed to post a link? If so, could you please? If not, then yeah i can google but is there a specific type?

2) As above but...what sort of cotton would i need? I'm assuming i can't just rip up an old t-shirt? Where do they sell the type of cotton suitable?

I remember a website i used to buy stainless steel mesh from for my koi filters. They had a section for e-cig mesh. I often thought "Where does the mesh go in one of them"? Maybe they have suitable items on there?

UPDATE - They have wicking material ! And stainless steel mesh. Can i post a link? I have no connection to this company, other than being an in-frequent customer.


Mods-Please delete the link if its not allowed. I am not connected to the company. Just alerting other users to a possible source of materials. The mesh i have bought for my koi filters has always been good quality and delivered promptly, so i can vouch for them in that respect.

3) Could you or anyone suggest such a mod? Idiot proof ideally. Would the 2 batteries be the 18650's that i have seen people mention?

4) A Kanger Sub Tank? Sounds interesting. I will google these. Another poster mentioned an Aspire Cleito. That's also a tank yeah? What's the difference between the two. I spose i could google the difference but if anyone knows, it would be helpful.

Thanks all.
The meshcompany will have many types of wire, for a tfv8 rba i would go for some clapton wire or alien clapton maybe as clapton wire is whats already installed when you buy the rba you could go for stainless steel instead of Kanthal which will give you the option of using wattage or temp control should you wish to ttry it out.. wicking material the choice is yours there's many brands ie cotton bacon, muji pads, fiber freaks, I would also take a look on youtube on how to rebuild the tfv8 rba as this would be easier to understand they someone trying to right an explaination.
Mods wise there are so many that i could mention but the better chipsets would be DNA 250's or YIHI like those in the IPV8 or top end SX mini q class.
Theres some hype for the Voopoo drag which is a 157 watt device and about £45, but again all this to do with mods will depend on your budget, what you find you like the look of. One mans crap is another mans treasure. Smok mods i would be tempted to say don't due to a lot of complaints to be fair the couple or 3 i have have had no issues.
The tanks by Smok i think are good, occasionally they can leak but that goes for most tanks in fairness.
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