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Brainwashed Followers

If you prefer a tight draw and want to start building, you should consider getting an sxk doggy styled, about a tenner from fasttech. Straight away it was one of my favourite tanks, the thing is so simple, easy to build, never leaks and never a dry hit. It should work perfect on your t22 battery at 14w.
Just put got a new coil. The one in there has been in for a week(ish). It has the burnt bits in the middle too. However, it was in there and being used for days before @Tubbyengineer 's advice and my fire button realisation. So, if i pull this one out in a couple of days, i am hoping it won't have a burnt middle. If it does i'll be most crestfallen. If it doesn't then that'll be great. Even greater than a bowl of Frosties.

BTW - I have just discovered that Vape Shop A sold me a pre-TPD device, after 20th May. Ooooops. *horrified but smirking face*

I saw the TPD compliant T22 tanks in (new shop) Vape Shop C and they looked out of proportion.

Now then, if there are still some establishments selling pre-TPD tanks, then am i right in thinking that i should sort out my upgrade ASAP so i can hopefully get a larger tank?

I appreciate that it is un-lawful but it's an ill-thought, ill-concieved law in my opinion (Just my opinion. Not necessarily fact and certainly not the views of the website, site owner, host, registrar or author)

Right. I'll go think of some more stupid questions.

BTW the thread title "Brainwashed Followers" is from a tune of the same or similar title by Hip-Hop act "De La Soul". It was the B-Side of either Me, Myself & I or (if not) Say No Go.

Just thought i'd say.
You will get a certain amount of "Gunk" on your coils, particularly with sweet juices - I'm using a couple of different devices at the moment with different juices - both of the following were rewicked at the same time, the dual coil one is a BF Device (Squonker) running in Temp Control mode - It's had three 8.5ml bottles of Lemon Refresher juice through it, the single coil one is a Kayfun Mini V3 clone running Blood Sukka at 17.5w power mode, it's had 4 fills of about 2ml through it both taste fine when vaping but the coils and wicks look very different...
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