I’m hoping the Mixx lasts well, it seems to be very well/heavily built.Honestly, the Aspire Mixx you are using is a pretty well made mod. It's not trash.
Providing you don't drop it, or your tank leaks and you fry the electronics. It should last many years. I haven't bought a mod for ages. I'm using an eleaf right now that's probably 5 years old. I'm sure it will end up binned at some point, but it's not like I'm chucking mods away every six months. I've still got working mods I bought in my first year of vaping.
As for tank leaks? I’ve had a couple, both down to the coils.They are a push fit and it’s my guess that the seals on those particular coils did not hold up. So I ended up with a bit of juice coming out of an air hole. The coils are actually threaded, so I’ve no idea why Aspire didn’t make the Nautilus 3 coil seat with a thread, they certainly did it with the K3 , which uses the same coils of course.
Overall Im by happy with the Mixx and the Nautilus 3. Both seem well made, but not perfect!
But hey, nothings perfect. But my wife insists she is!