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Can you get issues from using a coil meant for more volts?


Feb 16, 2015
Just got an Aspire CE5 BVC Steel clearomizer.

Seems to work nicely. Produces a good amount of vapor, but spits a lot and gets quite warm around where the coil sits at the bottom.

Since using it I have noticed sometimes the light on my battery flashes as if its dead when its not. To test this I have fully charged the battery and its still doing it.

The battery is a KiK Vape 01 battery. Its only about 4 days old. From what they have told me its 3.6v @ 650mah. I noticed on the coil in the CE5 it says 4.0v - 5.2v. Aspires website says their 1.6 ohm coil would be a better match. Is that likely to solve the issue?

Is this why the light keeps flashing? It cant provide enough power for the coil or something like that?

Like I said, it does fire up and produces more vapor than the CE4 ever did.
So does that mean the battery light flashing is some sort of safety measure built into it?

Would the 1.6 ohm coils be a better fit for it, or do I need a better battery?
What resistance is the coil you've got? I would think your battery should fire any of the normal Aspire BVC's without a problem. Do you have any spares to try? Could be a faulty coil.
Its a 1.8 Ohm coil.

I don't have any spares unfortunately. Didn't really have the cash to buy the clearomizer yet either but its better than spending it on cigarettes! :)

Any chance its a faulty battery? The customer service is great where I got it and he would probably replace it if I asked.
even an ego would fire a 1.2 so I do not think the coil is the problem unless it is shorting.
Looks like i'm off to the vape shop again tomorrow... Glad I don't have enough cash to buy anything else this time. :lol1:
Had a look at your battery.
Looks like an ego and the flashing is a safety feature.
I had a similar problem with one of my 3 egos with protank minis.It started as an ocasional problem then got more regular over a few days.
Only one of my three batteries all over 6 months old.I did not get to the bottom of it and just decided it was an internal battery problem and wrote it off. Obviously you would not want to do that with a new battery.
I had the advantage of other identical tanks and batterys to test so it was easy to establish it was a battery problem.
This sounds like the age old centre pin problem, It's either that its shorting or not making contact. If you remove the Atomiser from your battery unit and look in the top of the battery you will see a small round brass or SS plate. This plate is usually mounted in a rubber grommet and can "wander" off to one side and cause a short when you fit the atomiser, or it gets crushed down when you screw the battery onto the charger.

Make sure that the centre pin is well... central, so that the gap around it is even, if it is it might be that it has been crushed down by the charger or atomiser. You can use a fine flat head screwdriver to carefully work your way around the pin and lift it up by 2 or 3mm so that it makes connection again...

If thats is the problem then once you've fixed it remember not to over tighten things when you put it on charge or fit the atomiser...

Try watching this tutorial on youtube...
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