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**CLOSED** Testers Wanted - Dovpo/Across Samdwich RDA


Sep 10, 2021
Dovpo/Across Samdwich Group Test - 3 testers needed.

Hello fellow apes,

First off, big thanks to @dovpo_uk for facilitating another group test! Thanks Andy!

Dovpo/Across have kindly provided some of their new Samdwich RDA's for another Community Group Test which I will be running along with help from @Phrasing.

We are looking for 3 testers from the POTV community to join in the testing. There will also be a couple of previous Dovpo Community testers joining the event along with @PhilBox, and @Chris K, @Banjostring will pop in from time to time.

The sign up is open to anyone who is a member of POTV (sorry, UK Only) regardless of level status, but we will check entrants post history to confirm they are an active member that will contribute to the tester event. The only thing that is required to join the group is that you have a Squonk Mod for the test.

All that we ask for is regular input during the test event, which will last approximately 2 weeks, and at the end of the event for you to fill out a scorecard.

Once the event is completed I will write up a review of the event, posting the results and our shared experiences using the Samdwich. These events are always good fun, so sign up and give it a go.

So, names on a numbered list please, usual POTV style, you break it, you fix it.

I'll be running this list until the end of the week (Friday), and then will randomly select 3 names to join the group test.

Andy will then send out the hardware and the group test will start next week once everyone has their Samdwich.

Good luck!

Some info/pics from the Samdwich product page.



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I’ve the RDA and the two caps. So wouldn’t need them. But I’d be happy to join, even so.
Oooo nice one, i'm up for this one, thanks for the chance Andy and Team :)

1. oORobOo
Looking forward to it. Will get some use out of the dovpo across squonker finally.
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