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Comment when you smoke a cigarette

Can't smoke anymore. Tries it and it was awful. Plus I now notice when people smoke, the smell is disgusting. Not sure how I didn't notice it when I smoked
I had one on a night out about 2 weeks ago... absolutely horrid. I didn't think I'd notice too much as I'd been drinking but God it was nasty. Not to mention the smell. No thanks I'll stick to vaping :)
Other people smoking around me doesn't bother me, but I can't stomach smoking myself. I first tried the curious drag test about 3 months into vaping and it was awful. I tried again maybe twice more since then and it was the same. 3 years vaping now and smoking a cigarette is just not something I ever think about, even after a few beers surrounded by smokers. I'm really happy about that.
I'm quite bad for having the odd fag. I vape 99% of the time but every now and then I get an urge for a cig. If I say no to myself then I fixate on it continuously until I cave. The problem for me is the day after as even from one menthol rollie my mouth feels dry yet phlegmy the back of my throat stings and then every time I vape I cough. It makes me realise that that is how I felt EVERY DAY when smoking. But when you smoke it's the norm. I've just had one now and my throat already feel grim. I wish I didn't like the taste anymore but unfortunately I do.
Haven't smoked now for over four and a half years but every now and then (and that's about 4 times in that long) take a single drag off one of the many people I know that still smoke and like others have said the worst thing is the stench on my fingers after just one drag.

They would smell better after sticking them up a flea ridden leper's arse!
I brought another deck yesterday as I was drunk and all sorts. Gave half the deck away today.
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