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Competition coil giveaway.


Nov 15, 2014
Got a job lot of coils from a respected vendor doing a clearout and it seems selfish to keep them all lto myself.

Up for grabs..

5 pairs of A1 kanthal juggernaut coils (parallel claptons fused with ribbon) 2mm 3.5 wraps around 0.4 ohm.

10 pairs of A1 kanthal ribbon fused claptons (parallel bare wires wrapped in ribbon) 2mm 4.5 wraps around 0.4 ohm.

I'll cover postage.

No lists. One entry per person. First come first served. Just say which type you want. It's up to you to ensure you are using them safely if you win.. I take no responsibility for nuthin.

For the love of god no nudes this time.
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Not advanced enough for that stuff yet, but great giveaway for someone who knows what you're talking about lol

Talking of which, anyone know where the thread with all the terminology is please? :S
Thanks :)

Great giveaway and very generous of you!

#notanentry as my single cell mods would probably struggle with kanthal but a fantastic chance for someone to try something new :)

Yeah, even staged not really a single coil option for tubes.
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