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Complain to the PCC about the Daily Mail - easy to do

Matt Gluggles

Jan 29, 2013

Following previous successful complaints to the PCC about the Mail publishing false info about e-cigs, now is the time for another round of mass complaints about this article :


Entitled 'E-cigarette smokers inhale MORE nicotine and toxins than regular smokers'

The article is based on this research here:

As oldjools pointed out here ( http://ukvapers.org/Thread-Daily-Mail-s-poor-research ) it is worth including in the complaint that this research HAS NOT EVEN STARTED YET.

It is very easy to do.

First go to this page here :

Enter your Name, Address and email into the form.

Then fill in the following:

Newspaper/magazine - Daily Mail

Publication Date (DD/MM/YYYY) - 13/12/2013

Headline - 'E-cigarette smokers inhale MORE nicotine and toxins than regular smokers'

NEXT - tick the box to say where you saw the article.

IMPORTANT - you MUST include a link to the article, or the complaint will not be followed up

The link to the article is here - http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/a...wingly-inhaling-host-dangerous-chemicals.html
(open this link in your browser and copy/paste from there to get the full link)

The next box is where you explain why you think the code of practice has been breached.

The final box asks - Please add the clause(s) you believe to have been breached

Answer :
1.Accuracy: i) The Press must take care not to publish inaccurate, misleading or distorted information, including pictures.


Do it. Takes 5 mins. The more the better, and ask that the Mail publish a full retraction of this article.

This dangerous, innacurate and misleading article could be quoted for years to come, if a retraction is not published.
Just doing it and hope many more will, this really doesn't help us with the supposed ban coming up does it, I hope they have to grovel
Dr Farsalinos has weighed in! I am quickly becoming a fan girl of this man.
Just posted on Facebook

There is no study from New York university published in any medical journal. Therefore i have send an email to Prof Li (who works in the department of Dentistry) and asked her to inform me about their research.
From reading the Daily Mail article, ii bet that they have done no research and they just based their statement on measuring puff number and comparing it with puff numbers of cigarette smoking. They concluded that more puffs means more nicotine and toxin absorption. In case they have performed any specific research, i will inform all.
I posted a comment on that article, but it doesn't seem to have appeared (though some of my replies to other comments did, but not all). It was along the lines of the Mail's motivation to discredit e-cigs, despite all evidence that they're safer than smoking by orders of magnitude, and how the paper should be held to account for the damage this propaganda does to public health.

It seems to me that the Mail has a determination to ensure that smokers stay on the fags, and though we can dismiss such reports as poor journalism that everyone sees through, this isn't the case, and there are MANY people out there NOT switching (and I imagine a number of vapers switching back) solely because of this newspaper.

This paper is literally killing people, and I'd like to see it in court. Unfortunately, the long term effects of the Mail on people's health is not yet proven!

but if pressed to bet on which was more harmful on public health - e-cigs or the Mail - my money would be on the latter every time

I can't stand that useless scare mongering rag. In the words of the adorable Russell Howard.....


Age, air, alcohol, aspirin and calcium.
Ham, honey, eggs, dogs, dieting and soup.
Being a woman, being a man, bubble bath, and food from cans.
Being black, wearing bras, left-handedness, and speedy cars.
Oestrogen, climate change, babyfood, the menopause.
Beef, beer, pizza, pork, cereal, and worcester sauce.
Childlessness, children, vitamins and bacon.
Chocolate, retirement, deoderant and facebook

The Mail says that these cause cancer, but it's only rumours that they give you tumours.
They've got some big balls to print it,
`Cos it's 60 pages of scary bullshit!

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