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complete noob is an understatement, am I on the right track?

If you spend a months worth of Tobacco cig money and do what I did, which was to quit real cigs in just a few days you'll have paid for your gear within the month, after that its juice and consumables which is 20 to 30% of what you were paying, dont worry if you can't give the stinkies up all at once not everyone does or wants to, It's not how many you do smoke thats important it's how many you don't.

Yep glass tanks will be fine, the Aspire Vivi nova BDC would be a good choice (the Davide is a Protank clone) Pyrex lined with a windowed shroud to keep the glass safe and a dual coil bottom feed head make it as good a choice as any more expensive ones.

Link to Todds channel on Youtube - http://www.youtube.com/user/toddecigreviews?feature=watch

1 mod, 2 to 4 batteries, 2 to 4 tanks, pack of coils/heads, 30 to 50mls of juice should set you right

Juices - Perhaps I've made it sound over complex, The PG/VG ratio thing is less important than it sounds unless you are PG intolerant - rare but some people are, most people get on just fine with the default 70/30 or 60/40 ratio's and your taste will evolve over time as you try juices and it will sort itself out. Strength will sort it self out fairly quickly too, try 24 if its too harsh on your throat go to 18, if you chain vape go to 36 not forgetting that most people chain vape and go through juice like mad in the first month or so then settle into a routine...

Shinyitis - This is a common side effect of vaping and is characterised by the desire to have that supersexy ubermod you've just seen - unfortunately the only cure for this is to have someone beat you with a big stick and shout NO! whenever you get caught clicking on the add to basket button...:lol1:
No matter how many times I see this thread I read the title as "Complete nob is an understatement" and I think, "Poor guy, I'm sure he's not that bad." Just thought I'd share that.

On a more helpful note, like many I started off on tobacco juices, and I'm actually still quite partial to a RY4 (a tobacco flavour with a caramel/vanilla note - most vendors have their own version), though I'm gravitating more towards a "bonfire toffee" taste these days, and my all day vape is a fruity one. One thing I will say is that your taste in juices won't necessarily be what you expect. For example, I can't bear aniseed / liquorice / fennel to eat. However, one of my favourite juices, Red Lady by MrKraken, has a distinct absinthe note, which is aniseedy. So don't think "Oh, I don't like x flavour" - give it a go and you might be surprised. Smoke Rainbow offer 1ml samples so you can try lots of different things without breaking the bank.
Shinyitis - This is a common side effect of vaping and is characterised by the desire to have that supersexy ubermod you've just seen - unfortunately the only cure for this is to have someone beat you with a big stick and shout NO! whenever you get caught clicking on the add to basket button...:lol1:

OMG, I just left a forum reading about modding and found myself adding a new folder in my bookmarks list just for that (maybe in a few months). After reading your comment I guess I should not tell you that the image of a Kraken with 10 wrap micro coiled SS rope wicks sitting atop my SVD as I sit on my front porch vaping for the world to see would bring about a that beating. :30:

You guys/gals are awesome.
Sorry to bust in unannounced but I have a small issue with the batteries now (can anything be simple LOL).

ok, so the iTaste SVD with the 18650 battery... do I want button top or flat top. Citrus this is why I say noob is an understatement LOL. I feel like i am 6 again when I asked "boxers or briefs" LOL
Most things take the AW IMR 18650 Button top or the 18350 button top, Efest are good too...
(ive got button top 18650 in mine - they last longer)
TY, I read a review the other day (wish I could find it) that compared the AW, the Efest, and the Sony 18650s. Surprisingly the Efest was near tie with the Sony but with the Sony being an unprotected battery I personally believe it should have won. I could not believe that there is button option for a battery... live and learn I guess.

On a lighter note, I believe I have made up my mind for all but the juices, still not sure of manufacturers for quality juice but going strong.

Also, I am no longer worried about my affliction with shinyitis, found a $3000.00 US mod today and I know I will NEVER be "that" infected. LOL

Thanks so much for all your help, it is greatly appreciated. as I mentioned however, if you happen to know a quality juice manufacturer that offers juice with 24mg - 30mg nicotine until I get down to the 16mg everyone seems to offer it will complete my task and I can get my order ready. Not so worried about flavor, I will have to try a few thousand out to find the right one.
Add the discount code too from the main portal and boom it turns your juice into magical unicorn saliva xD
Thank you for that, it will be a great help to me.

The concern now is a good store/shop I can try to get everything from at once. Just personal preference but I prefer to deal with one good place regardless of price differences (within reason) when possible. One place I found was myvaporstore but now I am not to sure, it is not on the list. I will go down that list and see if any of them offer all of the (not sure what to call it) equipment I would like to have and find juices there aswell.

If I may ask a question please. Would it be wise to use the smaller clearomizers or even cartomizers to test the juices when I get them or just keep washing out the tanks I will be ordering until I find what I like? I worry about flavor differences between devices.

By smaller clearomizers I mean the Kanger T3, the Kanger EVOD, or the Innokin iClear 16. I believe all would fit the Innokin iTaste SVD that I have chosen as my first device.

Thanks again.
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