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Dead Rabbit Pro - a heads up


Sep 6, 2022
Although the pro does everything that I wanted it to do it is not without drawbacks. The reduced chamber and bottom airflow gives fantastic flavour but creates a problem, when built the back of the air boxes and the wicks form 4 sides of a box, and even combed out wicks dont work instantaneously, so there is a need for careful dripping or squonking to avoid leaks. I haven`t measured it yet but I reckon that there is only room for about 1ml of juice before it spills over into the bottom air vents (until the juice is wicked up) and causes a leak. If you tip the mod when you take a hit the same thing can happen unless you position the air vent horizontally.
It hasn`t put me off it, but it does need a bit of care feeding it, flavour (and cloud) is fantastic. the thing I`m not keen with the rabbits is how high the coils have to be set and how far the juice has to travel to get to the coil. I have 3 versions of the rabbit along with the solo and pro and so far dry hitting hasn`t been a problem.
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