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Did Everyone see this on Dave's tackle box last night


Aug 25, 2012
this was announced on Dave's tackle box last night more details to be announced


it looks epic hope it comes off :nevreness:
you tube linky
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I just been checking the place out its massive got 2 or 3 Hotels very close by or attached to it
Don't know if its Vapefest the only info I got is what was posted I did have a discussion with Dave Dorn and he said that was all the Info they had at the moment
I got the Hotel info from googling The International centre Telford
plus its in October when Vapefest is usually in the summer
and i heard someone has taken the rains of Vapefest
Dave K said on ukv

'All I confirm at the moment is that there will be a rather large vaping expo called Vapex 2013 on 19th October 2013!

There's a hell of a lot of details to nail down, but it will be a trade-led exhibition open to the general public.

We'll be releasing details as and when things are finalised and contracts signed etc.

deejay' pid='146006' dateline='1353365978 said:
So this event is organised by Vapourtrails?

Not exactly, though it is being organised by people who know each other through Vapourtrails TV. The event will be managed by a new company called Vapex Ltd. (We felt we needed the limited liability, given some of the costs involved)!

So, familiar people, but run seperately to VTTV! Hope that answers your question?

We've been planning this for nearly two years and we think we've got it right at last, feedback from vendors has been incredible so we're feeling pretty confident so far!

I think it will inevitably be a social event to some degree, but at the same time we don't see it as a vape meet as such, it's certainly not a Vapefest alternative for example.

We want the major industry players to be there displaying the latest and greatest in force, and we'll be plugging it all over the media as much as we can! But we're also looking at running a "modders village" to provide a platform and publicity for the smaller manufacturers to show off their innovations too.

There will be a bar I'm told!'

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