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Dragons Rise Vapers sure worth a look

I also managed to get milkmole from molejuice every time I have tried to order they have been sold out .so looking forward to trying that but going to steep it for a few days first .Same thanks to @MrDJ for the heads up when molejuice stock was available
Tried to take a pic to show you guys the colour they arrived with - but I'm working in an office with no natural light at all. Tried the flash but it just over exposed everything, so naff pic, but you get the idea. :)

Any other flavours anyone can recommend? I was new to custards so I know I like them. Maybe a fruity type flavour may be the way to go. I tried a cereal liquid from elsewhere and couldn't get into that. What I like about the creamy type liquids is they seem to have a really nice lingering aftertaste, well the custards ones I tried did.
ive found a few but have no idea what they are like. mainly on facebook.

Discount Saturday
This is our 5 hour discount
25% off all orders from now until 12 tonight.

Discount code is 25%saturday
ive found a few but have no idea what they are like. mainly on facebook.

Discount Saturday
This is our 5 hour discount
25% off all orders from now until 12 tonight.

Discount code is 25%saturday

Three codes in one day from the same firm lol.
I took them up on the 25% one of course.:)
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