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E cig put driver over the limit

He said the defendant had held down a job despite smoking an e-cigarette.

What the fuck is that supposed to mean?
That if you vape, you shouldn't be allowed to work?
Fuckwits, the lot of them!

I assumed from reading the article that if the e-cig made him drunk (unsteady on his feet and slurred speech) he was still able to work !!!
I've been breathalysed at the roadside and immediately after blowing my usual cloud of custard,it was negative so this pillock should just accept that he got caught drink driving AGAIN & not try to convince intelligent people that it was his vaping that caused it.If he'd been a few points over the limit,he might have convinced the court it was vaping but DOUBLE! Guys a complete Cockwomble.
Case could easily prove if he was drunk.
Keep him constantly supervised for 2 days
to make sure he doesnt touch alcohol.
Get him to use the same setup and juice as
he was using on the night he was arrested.
Breathalyse him at the end of the 2nd day
if result comes back negative then he is a
lying twat
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