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EFVI not allowed at Vapefest 2014

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Kms just returned to this :grouphug:

Please guys no strong words as to what you want to do!

lets stay as a united front and give one another the POTV support, encouragement and kindness this forum is known for x
Efvi haven't caused any trouble it was the certain organiser of vapefest with his arrogance and personal threats to a very well respected lady that have caused the problems

Sent from my HTC One X using Planet of the Vapes mobile app

And that organiser has my full and total support.
Did i know who EVFI were before all of this ? nope

Do i care? nope

Do i want to have anything to do with them after all the trouble they have caused because they didn't get their own way ? nope

Am i interested whether they are at VF or not? nope

Will i boycott VF because a couple of forums suggest i should ? nope

Will i go because i want to meet up with friends, have a laugh, have a drink and just enjoy myself ? yep

EFVI didnt cause this. Vapers caused "this" because they were angry EFVI couldnt be at Vapefest, which VF organisers decided.
Plenty of space around black sail YH BigAndy .......

sure is bud and we have just finished her refurbishment. don't think some of our more senior members would like the 3 mile walk though :)

Ok serious now the offer is there for a meet in the summer if all goes wrong and doesn't get sorted some just let me know and we can make it happen

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And that organiser has my full and total support.

Well best of luck to you both with everything you do - but I won't support a person who is arrogant and personally threatens people does he not know you can get jailed for that

Sent from my HTC One X using Planet of the Vapes mobile app
And on an even sadder note, Vapefest was supposed to be amazing for ALL of us this year :( I fear now, because of Wayne's pm to me, that he will fault the entire POTV team and will not allow them to go to Vapefest to support our forum as we were planning, with a table, goodie bags, prizes....and just *sigh*

I really hope they DONT do that to POTV, because this place IS amazing and the whole team was so excited about this.... Im really sorry guys if I fucked it up for you :( to the Admins and Mods :(
You could never fuck it up for us-without you Potv is nothing and we all stand together, shoulder to shoulder. You haven't spoilt anything, it's other people that I'm ashamed and embarrassed about. Why can't people just be nice, or at least civil :(
And that organiser has my full and total support.

And if you came here to bring all that trouble that was happening on UKV, the log out button is in the upper right hand corner. It's not welcome here.
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