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EFVI not allowed at Vapefest 2014

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After what this person has said to kms I don't wanna be in the same county as him as I may not hold my temper fair play to you if you're going - have a good one

Sent from my HTC One X using Planet of the Vapes mobile app
I'm thinking pick another weekend, hire a field from a farmer within reach of some hotels & B&Bs for the more delicate apes & have ourselves a potv festival with tents, campfires & beer

Sent from my GT-I9305 using Planet of the Vapes mobile app
Well, at least it means I won't be rearranging my holiday plans. Which I would have had to do if I was going to attend as a vendor. I may still attend as a visitor if all this gets sorted out, but personal threats are off limit for me, no matter which side I am on.
At least I won't have to spend the next 4 weeks checking wholesale prices and awaiting incoming shipments from far flung countries.

Sent from my Nexus 5 using Planet of the Vapes mobile app
Hahaha, be nice if we could find a pub with lots of space, get some of the Vendors to walk out halfway through the day and come and do a "Mini market" at the pub...
I already thought this was all fucked up and couldn't be asked to support the likes of this

but would whole heartedly support an alternitive with EFVI onboard :thumbup:
On a side note. I did tell him to shove his threat up his ass and that Im not his fucking messenger :) I dont apologize for that.

and as I stated on Facebook he did call me a div, which made me chuckle cause I like that word. Anyone who wants to see the PM, can see it on my FB account, I wont post it here, POTV is not about being vindictive and naming and shaming people. We do have standards here and fortunately our members shine with apey goodness all over the place. The sad fact is that Wayne did direct his anger over someone elses post at ME. I dont mind taking the heat for most of you and the apes know I will fight in your corner iffen I think you are right (to the bloody death, THIS IS POTV!!) but seriously...a grown man, should not be using me as a go between with his beef over a member on here that ive never even met. And a grown man should never ever make a woman feel threatened. Lesson for you young lads. Treat woman with respect. End of.
And on an even sadder note, Vapefest was supposed to be amazing for ALL of us this year :( I fear now, because of Wayne's pm to me, that he will fault the entire POTV team and will not allow them to go to Vapefest to support our forum as we were planning, with a table, goodie bags, prizes....and just *sigh*

I really hope they DONT do that to POTV, because this place IS amazing and the whole team was so excited about this.... Im really sorry guys if I fucked it up for you :( to the Admins and Mods :(
On a side note. I did tell him to shove his threat up his ass and that Im not his fucking messenger :) I dont apologize for that.

and as I stated on Facebook he did call me a div, which made me chuckle cause I like that word. Anyone who wants to see the PM, can see it on my FB account, I wont post it here, POTV is not about being vindictive and naming and shaming people. We do have standards here and fortunately our members shine with apey goodness all over the place. The sad fact is that Wayne did direct his anger over someone elses post at ME. I dont mind taking the heat for most of you and the apes know I will fight in your corner iffen I think you are right (to the bloody death, THIS IS POTV!!) but seriously...a grown man, should not be using me as a go between with his beef over a member on here that ive never even met. And a grown man should never ever make a woman feel threatened. Lesson for you young lads. Treat woman with respect. End of.

We do respect women it's most disgusting what he said to you

Sent from my HTC One X using Planet of the Vapes mobile app
If that happens it really will be a wholesale boycott by the apes, preventing a whole Forum team from attending because of one persons personal grudge really would be a step too far...
And on an even sadder note, Vapefest was supposed to be amazing for ALL of us this year :( I fear now, because of Wayne's pm to me, that he will fault the entire POTV team and will not allow them to go to Vapefest to support our forum as we were planning, with a table, goodie bags, prizes....and just *sigh*

I really hope they DONT do that to POTV, because this place IS amazing and the whole team was so excited about this.... Im really sorry guys if I fucked it up for you :( to the Admins and Mods :(

KMS, listen, we are all with you shoulder to shoulder, and there is absolutely no blame whatsoever and i cant emphise this enough, on you, none whatsoever...nothing not a thing, so you can get that right out of your head :)
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