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EFVI not allowed at Vapefest 2014

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If this thread gets axed, then we are no better that "another forum" where you have to toe the party line or your ostracised or even banned.......If that ever happens here you'll hear the door banging shut as I leave....The comments made by other members here are straight from the heart and EVERY VIEW is important...Other peoples views are important not just to me, but should be to you as well....That's how we learn...

I have already paid a fair bit of cash out on VF, but will still wait to see the outcome of the "Behind closed doors discussions" before making a final decision on whether to go or not....If not, then I'll happily ( well not really) lose the money I've put out already as the important thing in my book is that we as vapers stand together as EVFI are currently more important than any other group.

I respect this view. Understood. i was fresh in from work, tired & i tuned into this thread again to see what's what & was met with all the inflated-ness that this situation has caused. I saw all the unnecessary & unhelpful stuff that transpired & just wished things had panned out differently. I don't get it, things went pair shaped pretty quick & i can't see any winners.
How about this Someone make a new thread here http://www.planetofthevapes.co.uk/forums/forumdisplay.php/427-POTV-s-Apefest-2014 to find people who want/can organize it...then make a new private invite only group http://www.planetofthevapes.co.uk/forums/group.php (admins and mods are automatically approved) and we can do this...

:) Maybe find some vendors to get in on it, whatever... It might not be the UKs biggest, but it will be the UKs best JUST LIKE THIS FORUM! :D
ill come:)
with discounts :):)
I'm up for an apefest, as long as I don't have to take salt and lime with the tequila again.
How many vapists are there in the uk that attend these shin digs?

Sent from my iPhone using Planet of the Vapes
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