That's me out, then.
Pity... but I'm utterly sick of having sections of vapoteurism senselessly divided, and have no other means to register my disagreement other than to withdraw my person and the contents of my wallet. Not that THAT will make an iota of difference but hey... I don't want to contribute to the success of something that has made a conscious - and, in my opinion, incredibly petty - decision against something I believe in. Simple as.
I'm also sick of vendors and manufacturers positioning themselves for profit (which doesn't mean I'm naive) and tired of the 'I'm ok as I've got tons of gear already, will stock up on nic, and buy from abroad' view that doesn't see the bigger picture with some measure of empathy. So why would I buy from such vendors... and why would I want to spend time with such selfishness?
Feet. Vote.