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Element pink lemonade recipe?

@japhia42 hey you don't need to save face! Your information and input is invaluable!!
As Furry has said in lower percentages and a steep it has a similar smell profile so nothing lost? I will try at lower percentages and leave to steep, maybe even combine the grenadine at a lower percentage and add some pomegranate to get closer to actual grenadine?
@FurryWhiskers thanks for the heads up, that sounds very promising and I will experiment with that route? Going by my taste buds all of the Element juices share a similar taste profile so your contact could be right? I know I got close with their fresh squeezed juice by simply using Ecto Cooler and EM so that is the path I will take.
Thanks for all the great info guys, we are getting a little closer?
@FurryWhiskers, there is a distributor, Nature's Flavors that makes grenadine. It's all organic, diacetyl free and quite pricey. I think Capella dropped the ball on it's version of grenadine, I agree with everyone in here, It's nasty. Glad I only got a 10 ml sample bottle. Put in yet ANOTHER order to nicotine river. Lemon by TFA and Strawberry by FA and then the grenadine by NF. Also got a liter of straight vg @ 3 mg nic. IF my hunch is correct, I can mix like a 6 percent, 6 percent lemon, lemon sicily, 4 percent strawberry, 3 percent ripe strawberry and 1 percent grenadine. And the people at Nature's flavor's assured me their flavorings are strong. We'll see. The link to their eliquid site is gotvapingflavors.com
@bigbluenose, will be talking to Laura tomorrow when I go to my vape shop. I'm going to get a bottle of Elements Pink Grapefruit to try out. And see if she's got the inside track on what it's made from. Hopefully there's more great news coming on Furry's steeping of the clone.
Made a batch, 12 % Lemon Sicily, 6 % Ripe Strawberry and 2 % Grenadine (by Nature's Flavors) and yea they were right. So far @ 24 hours of steep, the grenadine overpowers EVERYTHING. And actually, It's not a bad thing. It's actually very good. Starting to think the Lemon Sicily in ANY percentage is not strong enough. Should have the TFA Lemon in the next day or 2. Will trade the lemons out for sure. Needs to be a lot stronger. Also trade the ripe strawberry for FA strawberry @bigbluenose, I picked up a bottle of the Pink Grapefruit. Very good! And VERY similar in flavor profile the the Pink Lemonade. I probably won't get to see my contact for some time to come, her brother was in a car wreck recently and will need round the clock care. She's volunteered until hospice can provide one.
Made a batch, 12 % Lemon Sicily, 6 % Ripe Strawberry and 2 % Grenadine (by Nature's Flavors) and yea they were right. So far @ 24 hours of steep, the grenadine overpowers EVERYTHING. And actually, It's not a bad thing. It's actually very good. Starting to think the Lemon Sicily in ANY percentage is not strong enough. Should have the TFA Lemon in the next day or 2. Will trade the lemons out for sure. Needs to be a lot stronger. Also trade the ripe strawberry for FA strawberry @bigbluenose, I picked up a bottle of the Pink Grapefruit. Very good! And VERY similar in flavor profile the the Pink Lemonade. I probably won't get to see my contact for some time to come, her brother was in a car wreck recently and will need round the clock care. She's volunteered until hospice can provide one.
@japhia42 no worries!
It is a great juice, and their key lime cookie is also great!
As I answered on another thread, Element juice all share a very similar taste profile which I can only put down to their choice of sweetener or a generic base flavour that they build upon with other flavours for their range?
Crack this we crack their range of juices?
Might try adding red grapefruit,FW, to Chevys fizzy pink lemonade( which for me is still the closest I have tried) and see if it gets close?
Next step their key lime cookie!
Could save a small fortune if we crack this lot? lol
After researching, Lemon Sicily is very bad about losing flavor after steeping, which is what's been happening with me. No matter WHAT percentage I use. TPA Lemon and FlavorArt Strawberry arrived. Recipe for new flavors is as follows. Will review again after 24 hour steep

12 % TPA Lemon
7% FA Strawberry
1 % NF Grenadine
max vg, 3 mg nic
Just as I suspected, after a steep, there is DEFINITELY strawberry and grenadine, absolutely NO lemon. Now, not only am I convinced that the "secret" background ingrediant is indeed grenadine...I am 99.9 percent sure I know which company Element is purchasing it from. Nature's Flavors. At just 1 %, there is that "What IS that I'm tasting?" sensation on the exhale that lingers in the mouth just as the real stuff does. It's pleasant, not overpowering, that sweet that truly compiments the lemon. It's there, I PROMISE you it is. I'm very excited about this because not only do I believe my contact about the recipe, I also believe its possible they're getting their ENTIRE line of flavorings, including sweetener from this company. They also carry a "wizard/smooth" as well. And they carry Stevia, the only sweetener they have. gotvapingflavors.com If I can't taste any lemon from this batch by Sunday, I'll put another order in to them.
Just as I suspected, after a steep, there is DEFINITELY strawberry and grenadine, absolutely NO lemon. Now, not only am I convinced that the "secret" background ingrediant is indeed grenadine...I am 99.9 percent sure I know which company Element is purchasing it from. Nature's Flavors. At just 1 %, there is that "What IS that I'm tasting?" sensation on the exhale that lingers in the mouth just as the real stuff does. It's pleasant, not overpowering, that sweet that truly compiments the lemon. It's there, I PROMISE you it is. I'm very excited about this because not only do I believe my contact about the recipe, I also believe its possible they're getting their ENTIRE line of flavorings, including sweetener from this company. They also carry a "wizard/smooth" as well. And they carry Stevia, the only sweetener they have. gotvapingflavors.com If I can't taste any lemon from this batch by Sunday, I'll put another order in to them.
That sounds very promising?
Would love to get my hands on this brand but after searching high and low I can't seem to find it here in the UK?
Does anyone know where to get Natures Flavors here in Europe?
@ bigbluenose, I am ordering their lemonade and also the strawberry. It's still early enough here, (3 hours difference in time), I will call and see if they have distributors in the UK, or are they solo AND if they ship internationally. After a 48 hour steep, there is NO lemon, and strawberry is coming through stronger. Do NOT think they are using TPA/FA flavorings at all. Still tastring the grenadine somewhat. I will post later this evening once I find out more info on Natur's Flavors. One huge question I am going to ask, is if they have any customers that buy huge quantities of flavorings. If I get an, "I'm not allowed to answer that..." bingo.
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