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Expensive RBA's - Are they worth it


Dec 9, 2013
so after taking my first RBA plunge from building Protank heads I thought it would be easy
it is once you know how and after ALOT, let me repeat that ALOT of trial and error i was left wanting more after my AGA T2 Saga

So looking for a decent Genny without paying the BIG bucks. But then I thought . . . . . .

Are the more expensive ones actually worth the money? would I end up going through a load of cheap clones, when I could just get a decent RBA to start with?

Does anyone have an Expensive RBA and a Cheap RBA or clone, and can you actually notice the difference?
Well most clones perform as good as if not better imho. Check out @Vape Geek
for your needs, either from the Geek Zone or the HCigar section.
My real kfl is better machined than my tobeco clone. It is less prone to dry hits/flooding/leaking. When the clone is behaving ,though, the vape is exactly the same. My kraken clone is the best genny I've ever had. Some high end RBAs are more worth it than others, and most clones have the potential to be hit-or-miss.
I have a real kraken gennie £120,i also have a cloned pulse g gennie £8 and i can tell you theres not much difference in the vape,the kraken is slightly better,but not £112 better.
If you want a decent, cheap genny that's not a clone, you can't go far wrong with the RSST.
Only question that matters is if you reckon its worth it, I notice a fair difference between my poncy drippers and my skank drippers, though I can still get a decent vape out of a yoda, igo-l, A7, what have you, and my original kayfun is rivalled in flavour by ithaka and taifun clowns, but I have yet to find a budget geni rival to an rsm rocket, but an RSST gives great taste and is piss easy to set up.

People will always swear by the gear they got though, doesn't matter, whatever floats your boat and keeps you off the stinkies, eh. Some folks like to take the fun out of everything though, by making themselves feel better by putting expensive gear lovers, or conversely, cheap gear aficionados down, but there are less trivial, or tedious things to worry about in life.

Big thing though is durability, if you look after your gear right, there are quality, sturdy options on the cheaper end of the scale, and just judging by what others say about the hcigar stuff, their products would be worth looking at, as are the relatively cheap UD range of atties, for that matter.
I have a kayfun clone and an ithaka clone both from vaporbreak and they're perfectly good.
I was thinking the same today . I noticed someone was swapping a kraken clone on here this afternoon and I tried to swap for a dripper purely because I wanted to compare with the real thing but for now I'll keep telling my self that clones are pants and are nowhere near as good as the real thing ..... I might actually believe it 1 day :s
"Worth" is subjective.

Some clones are worth it because they are made to a high standard, some clones are shit because they aren't.

Some genuine pieces just ooze quality, some come with flaws that then get corrected by the manufacturer for free or they release a second edition you then need to buy.

Is my Panzer worth ten times the price I paid for my Launcher clone? It is to me...but the Launcher performs the same and is really well made.

Having just bought clones I'm now mixing it up and buying clones and genuine stuff because it was through trying loads of clones I found out what worked for me. Some do the same, some just support manufacturers and others stick with clones.

There's no right answer - just the answer that fits for you :)
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