How lucky are we customers, (whose of course sole point in existing it to put money into a business owners bank account) known only by their 16 digit credit card number are that we get to buy things online and don't have to go outside into the big bad world and do things.
Of course businesses pre-internet didn't have to spend a lot of money on market research, advertising, time and effort and going out into the big bad world to find out what customers want. Oh life before the internet, business was so easy, no recessions, no businesses going bust, life was great, only needed one hand to take the customers money. It's not like they get any extra value out of the internet like us lucky consumers do.
So customers posting their concerns on internet forums and voicing their frustrations is absolutely useless information to vendors who quite frankly don't need to hear a sound out of us, apart from the typing of those 16 little digits.