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extortionate postage takes the piss

Feek the biscuits. Where's the women with the crispy bacon sandwiches, they should have finished the hoovering by now?:popcorn:
How lucky are we customers, (whose of course sole point in existing it to put money into a business owners bank account) known only by their 16 digit credit card number are that we get to buy things online and don't have to go outside into the big bad world and do things.

Of course businesses pre-internet didn't have to spend a lot of money on market research, advertising, time and effort and going out into the big bad world to find out what customers want. Oh life before the internet, business was so easy, no recessions, no businesses going bust, life was great, only needed one hand to take the customers money. It's not like they get any extra value out of the internet like us lucky consumers do.

So customers posting their concerns on internet forums and voicing their frustrations is absolutely useless information to vendors who quite frankly don't need to hear a sound out of us, apart from the typing of those 16 little digits.
i think lifes too short to worry about such things
i love the internet sites that sell the stuff us vapers really want and need
if they have to charge a bit more for postage to cover themselves and it keeps them afloat then im cool with paying it as id be pretty fucked without them
all in all the good vaping online stores (you know who you are) are far from ripoff merchants and offer a great service imo
keep it up most of us appreciate what you do as much as you appreciate our dosh.
How lucky are we customers, (whose of course sole point in existing it to put money into a business owners bank account) known only by their 16 digit credit card number are that we get to buy things online and don't have to go outside into the big bad world and do things.

Of course businesses pre-internet didn't have to spend a lot of money on market research, advertising, time and effort and going out into the big bad world to find out what customers want. Oh life before the internet, business was so easy, no recessions, no businesses going bust, life was great, only needed one hand to take the customers money. It's not like they get any extra value out of the internet like us lucky consumers do.

So customers posting their concerns on internet forums and voicing their frustrations is absolutely useless information to vendors who quite frankly don't need to hear a sound out of us, apart from the typing of those 16 little digits.
My mother would say the same thing. The internet has passed her by, the onus placed on the consumer has completely passed her by, she still believes everything doctors and bank managers tell her, she still believes a retailer places her interests before their own. She thinks Maggy Thatcher was a saint ... says it all.

Airing frustrations is one thing but slagging off a well-respected and highly-regarded vaping vendor on a vaping forum in the manner and language he chose amounted to bending over, taking down his own pants and begging to be spanked. I believe we're all waiting for an apology.
To be honest im surprised the thread hasnt been locked down yet ? Admin are normally shit hot when it comes to negativity.

Saying this i would like to see an apology for such a piss poor attemp of a whine on a public forum.

When he has apologised we can lock the thread and bury it with all the others.
Fuck off. There is no need to be a wanker about this, I have a valid pint to make
If you want to troll then go somewhere else.

I suppose trying to publicly shame/harass a much respected vendor and member of this forum isn't being a wanker?

Looks like Rob has advised you now... something he would probably have done if you'd decided to contact him directly instead of trying to drag his name through the mud.

Perhaps in future you might consider contacting a vendor directly with any 'valid points' you may have rather than throwing a tantrum on the forum.

leave Julia alone, she's on my free shag list. I moved Gillian Anderson out of the list for her, last thing I want is you lining her up for the fiing squad. Missis complains whenever the list gets changed
I've got nowt to say about the thread, other than that I'm a big kid with too much time on my hands and wanted to make a contribution before the thread get's locked.
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