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extortionate postage takes the piss


leave Julia alone, she's on my free shag list. I moved Gillian Anderson out of the list for her, last thing I want is you lining her up for the fiing squad. Missis complains whenever the list gets changed
Post up the list or it doesn't exist. ;) Bet she's further up mine than yours ... time for a valid pint methinks.
How Postage costs are worked out are in bands.
for example, everything under 'x' grams is £'x' price. Recorded delivery is VERY expensive.
I understand from a customer it really sucks having to pay so much, but then again, your item will be safe and you won't loose your item or money.
The only thing i can suggest is that its going to be the same price postage up to a certain weight, order a few more spares/small bits to make the postage cost abit more worth it.
Postage price was displayed before the OP paid, what's the issue?

I've seen postage costs I don't like (not referring to StealthVape), if I don't like it I don't buy it. It's that simple.

Some people just like to moan, and that's their prerogative, but I don't think it's right to drag anyones name through the mud just because one is a bit of a knob.

Man up and apologise if you are big enough!!
It's kind of on the teetering point this thread, isn't it.
Just wandering along the precipice of uncertainty before falling into complete off-topic randomness.

Well, I'm not going to be responsible for it. And I love Gillian Anderson.

That is all.
It's kind of on the teetering point this thread, isn't it.
Just wandering along the precipice of uncertainty before falling into complete off-topic randomness.

Well, I'm not going to be responsible for it. And I love Gillian Anderson.

That is all.

As much as I love Gillian Anderson, I will raise you Heather Graham.
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