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Feedback wanted for www.mellowpens.co.uk


Jul 4, 2013
I would like some of your opinion's on my website www.mellowpens.co.uk What you think is good? What do you think is bad? What could be done better? All opinions would be appreciated
Hi MellowPens - nice clear website but to be honest when you click on a product the 'tweets & tags' tends to dominate the page. I can see what you've tried to do by keeping it modern etc' but it's just too over powering in my opinion. Also when you click on the juices there are no images other than your logo. If I click on 'milk chocolate' I want to see an inviting image. Plus the overall branding of 'mellow pens' doesn't mean a lot to the average vaper.

So all round a really good start but IMHO could be a lot more user 'visual' friendly.


Good luck pal,

P.S. 8 and 14mg levels are for me not in the ball park. I like 10 - 12 so yours would either be too high / low and I wouldn't consider buying them.
Hi, looks ok, needs pics for the flavours rather than logo, guess you'll be doing that but only a few fruits showing up at mo?(as above said lol) As Soldier Blue said, I vape 18mg so nothing near that for me. Stock basic aswell. wouldn't put in my favourites list just yet. The Logo looks like MB rather than MP?
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Cheers guys, Will add more variations of nicotine strengths and try and get more pictures up by the weekend. (I don't know how to start a new line hence all one big paragraph). I thought id start with basic flavours first and then slowly add more flavours which people like. Will try and reduce the size of the tags and tweets at the bottom as I can see what you mean when you say its overpowering :)
I've added more pictures but there is still some without pictures. Ive reduced the size of the twitter and facebook along the bottom and got rid of the tag cloud. Ive added more nicotine strengths. I thought I had already had most of them up but I never put it on through the whole range. Still got some work to do
In advance these are probably quite short (and blunt) but user experience/user interface is part of what I do day to day :)

On the homepage there is a huge amount of blank space before the hero image, from the primary navigation down there is a good inch to 2 of vertical space that is just blank, you could reduce both by half an inch and then on getting to the homepage you can see the details about the postage (2nd thing I look for after ideas on pricing)

It would help to see some prices on the images scrolling, the first image is redundant, I know where I am (on your site) :) The resizing also makes the site move and is a bit jarring when looking at content further down (if you're html savvy you want a min-height on the container for your scrolling images)

There is a big whoopsie on the homepage, I clicked the link advertising the fruit e-liquids and get taken to....
http://mellowpens.co.uk/First Slide
a 404 (page not found) error page. I'd get that pointing to the right place soon

There's a huge gap there in the page, stick something in there like best sellers, new products etc
Same concrens on the social part, if I'd put those on the site it'd be on the home page or off to the right so you can still use the site without it loading down at the bottom (and maybe put a smaller marquee in there too, it's 2/3 full and the empty space could be much better used)

On a product page
I don't need/want to see a link to follow you on twitter when I'm about to buy something, it's an unnecessary distraction (the FB like is good though)

This comes under shop, I think it's in the wrong place (maybe under the about section?)

Might want to correct that URL if Wordpress lets you, the -2 at the end is a bit messy from looking at the url

I'll never (not to mention tell everyone I know not to) buy anything online from a shop that does not have a valid SSL certificate. It's what keeps my information safe when it is sent to you through the internet. I know you're not taking money directly but you're collecting personal details (including account passwords which people do reuse on a regular basis). They aren't expensive (£10/year ish) and can save a LOT of headaches later on when you collect any personal information

As far as trading in the UK, you need more than just a contact us form, you need at least a name, postal address and email address. You can get sample T+Cs and details on things like that quite easily

On a whole I like the site, it's fairly simple, the colours are nice and plain with nothing too garish, the content is pretty straight forward and to the point. The stock selection could do with being a bit more varied but that will happen over time. I'd like more info on the liquids though, are they mixed yourself or bought in? If so what brands? The nic levels seem a little bunched with nothing around the mid but that happens with some brands due to popularity so doesn't bother me that much.

The text could use some work to sit down and plan out what it is you want to say, some of it is a bit confusing ("Our e liquids are made to order as this enables us to offer more personalisation without having to home mix", they aren't really more personal, more professional and consistent maybe (though I'm sure some on here would disagree)) and some of it just seems to tail off mid sentence ("Keep up to date with our offers and new products or just say hello", How? Where? What offers? I wouldn't go on an e-commerce site to say hi). It would be good to know more about a site and why they do it (if you vape yourself say so!)

Apologies if that's a bit of a wall-of-text, but if you have questions I'd be happy to expand on my thoughts behind the comments
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