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Financial brick wall lol

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Its not something I would consider what so ever, to be honest I'd put a rule that only unopened bottles to be traded, as people can put anything in opened bottles, I'd trust people on their liquids however its easily done and it seems a little scary knowing your vaping an opened bottle of something from someone else that could well be anything
Its not something I would consider what so ever, to be honest I'd put a rule that only unopened bottles to be traded, as people can put anything in opened bottles, I'd trust people on their liquids however its easily done and it seems a little scary knowing your vaping an opened bottle of something from someone else that could well be anything

To be frank. Most apes are good bananas and won't fuck you over. There's alwAys the 1% of douches.
POTV members go by reputation and will be called out post haste should they screw anyone over or ship crap out. I know I would if I was expecting my favourite to find a shit home brew...
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