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Financial brick wall lol

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It's not allowed to openly advertise home brew on the site...
However 2nd user juices are in the classifieds

And we watch it like Hawks so PLEASE do not get caught attempting to sell or trade HomeBrew, despite its name, The Cooler is not Cool, nor is it somewhere I'd want any of you to have to visit.;)
Nothing at all apart from it being fraudulent on so many levels.:(

There's only so much that we can do, so if this is the route being used, I'd keep bloody quiet about it :12:

With recent events concerning The Classifieds in general, it would never surprise me to see the entire section done away with and this sort of thing would considerably weaken my case for them remaining :(
Too damn right it is! There's no way in this world that any of us know what "might" or "might not" be in HomeBrew and there's no way that PoTV is accepting ANY responsibility for this.
I am actually considering requesting that the Eliquid For Sale section is removed and that ALL trading of Eliquid is stopped forthwith. I really hope that I am over reacting to this exchange, but if people are actually prepared to stoop to these levels to sell their wares, then I for one, want no part of it and I am pretty certain that I know what the Admin Team would have to say on the matter.
I see, is it just a safety thing then?

1. It's against the forum rules
2. It's illegal
3. It's against the forum rules
4. It's misrepresentation
5. Homebrew has absolutely no self-imposed hygiene standards
6. It's against the forum rules
7. It's against the forum rules

You want to begin flogging on empty bottles filled up with any old crap you may as well ask for the entire juice section of the forum to be shut now.

To be honest, I'm staggered you're even asking the questions.
Rob, I really hope that's an over reaction. Although I've never done it, passing unwanted / unused juice is a good way to get rid of the stuff you don't like and to be able to pick up juice you fancy trying. I do see where you're coming from though and as the forum grows there will be people that chance their arm. It'll be a shame to see it close.
muffles92 - I am not sure what train of thought you are trying to follow here. So someone buys a manufacturer's juices, vapes it, finds a home brew recipe that kind of matches it, makes the juices, fills the bottle and then sells it on here? If people are going to go to that length and their juice was as good as the real deal then wouldn't they just vape that rather than buy said juice and vape that only to fill it with their "as good as" juice to flog it? Only to then have no original bottle and then have to buy another to repeat the trick? Sounds like a load of hassle to me.

Also, if someone is repeatedly selling a juice on here we would get suspicious - as Jugg1es said, people tend to use it to shift juices they buy and find they don't like so if someone keeps selling the same one over and over it would be a bit weird.

So what's stopping people selling home brew on here masquerading as the real thing? Not a lot as it would be logistically stupid, not very profitable (due to having to buy the original to get the bottle) and the fact they would get clocked pretty quickly.
... there should be a little voice inside your head saying "don't be a cunt" ...
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