collateral diarrhea
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Can you remember what it was that caused you to start smoking again? Being around smokers? Dropping the nic from your juice? Life stresses? Vaper's tongue? Getting too involved in the hobbyist side of it and then losing interest? Self-sabotage? A combination of factors maybe?
Might as well go into each reason and see what I think, will help to write it down:
Wouldn't be the smokers around me, i don't feel like i'm that susceptible to that kind of influence although it was the reason why i started smoking in the first place a long time ago. Can't be the nic, in fact i know i'm able to bring my nic down quickly without much effort, it was done in the past. Can't be vape tongue...but i do feel i'd find vaping a lot more enjoyable if i didn't have it (been pretty much taste-less for 98% of my vape life). I do enjoy the hobby side of things and in fact feel it did help a lot originally, so not that. Now self-sabotage seems credible in a way, of course none of it is deliberate but it seems like i always have at least one really bad vice and for most of my life it has been smoking. Stress, i believe, does play another big role in this but i don't think it is as big of a reason. Mainly because it seems like i smoke the most when i'm actually relaxed and just chilling by myself while reading something. If i had to single out a reason, i'd put it down to just habit - i seem to have a huge problem with breaking habits irrespective of whether it is a good or a bad one.
CarbonBoy summarizes this pretty well:
This is the way i feel too. Just loading up on nicotine simply doesn't do it for me, i will still smoke after i vape even if the nicotine rush turns into light poisoning and makes me feel somewhat ill. It is almost as if i have a duty to finish that cigarette no matter what while also thinking "why the fuck am i doing this? i know this is wrong".What I am addicted to is the 'act' of smoking. The ritual. I've known this for quite some time. I'm not sure if this makes me even weaker or just plain stupid. With the exception of the fact that I do love a couple of the juices I vape, there is nothing I'm substituting.
This is why I do plan to stop vaping. I haven't set a hard and fast date, but I do think it needs to be this year, before I plough too much money into this hobby.
YES! It seems that applying the "once and addict always an addict" principle is the right way to go for people in this type of situation, no matter if its smoking or whatever other addictions people have. It took a while to come to this conclusion and break the "well i made it in the end! i won't do it again" mentality.Don’t ever forget that you, I and many others here are addicts. Like any addiction, it only takes one slip to get back to where you don’t want to be. But if you do slip, remember that you’ve done it once, you can do it again.
While i recognize these words as the truth, i can't help but think about all the good that was undone by a relapse. Perhaps this is just my way of trying to punish myself or apply the same sort of chastising i would to those who are close to me and did something they knew is bad for them.As leni said. Perhaps a shift in perspective is all that's required. Don't look at the vaping stage as a race to the quitting line, look at it as a step in the right direction that eventually may lead to you quiting. If it does then great if not you've still achieved a lot. If you should eventually vape less or stop. Keep a mod, tank and your favourite high nic juice in th cupboard for moment's of stress. It's not going to cost a lot to replace your juice every 18month's to keep an emergency set up fresh just in case and to stop you buying smokes.
I especially like your comment about the change in respective, this surely must be a pre-requisite for quitting smoking successfully but more importantly - keeping it that way.
Like many, I'm a bit confused too.
You've used vaping to give up smoking, why do you want to give up vaping?
Failure to kill the habit properly has drawn me to a conclusion that this is a smaller fragment of a larger picture. Now that i think about it, what i'm really after is the complete liberation and freedom that can only come with temperance. I keep asking myself, how can i achieve that when i'm relying on something like vaping just to keep my brain from throwing tantrums because it didn't get what i wants but doesn't truly need? I suppose that deep down in my mind i blame my vaping for smoking again - yes that does sound ridiculous but as you know this is just my subjective opinion. Is vaping to blame? I don't know, but i do feel that i wouldn't smoke again if i developed and lived with an idea that vaping is like smoking - eliminate the need for foreign substance in my lungs.
Thanks everyone for all your input, whilst i didn't reply to each comment i did read all of them and this has given me some food for thought. This is exactly why POTV is such a great community, because no matter the difference between all of us we all have one core goal in mind .
I will get there. But i must start from square one again - stop smoking properly is step 1. Keeping it that way is 2. Once i'm there, i'll have to take a step back and consider the future.