I find your post a bit confusing
A couple of times you say you've
failed and that vaping does not work for you, but then you also managed to quit smoking by vaping, at least for a certain amount of time. So it has worked for you to an extent.
Can you remember what it was that caused you to start smoking again? Being around smokers? Dropping the nic from your juice? Life stresses? Vaper's tongue? Getting too involved in the hobbyist side of it and then losing interest? Self-sabotage? A combination of factors maybe?
This is just my reading between the lines here - I may be totally off target. I would say the cold turkey approach might do you more harm than good. Your OP gives the impression you already feel that you're a failure and 'weak' for not being able to quit smoking. Imo it would become a self-fulfilling prophecy - you'd lapse and it would compound those beliefs further. The more (subjective) 'failures' you have, the more difficult it becomes to believe something is attainable.