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For the super-addicted: Is vaping really needed?

Don;t take this the wrong way but only you can decide what to do. Personally i smoked for almost as long as you have been alive but decided to quit smoking 3 years ago. I just put my mind to it and did it.
All my friends who i have not seen for over 3 years would be shocked i no longer smoke especially after 25 years of Weed smoking. I too thought i would never quit being a toker as i enjoyed it so much and it was a big part of my daily life.
But here i am 3 years on a vaper. I chose to put my mind to it, i decided to be strong and never go back to smoking anything on a daily basis and apart from the odd Bob Marley on special occasions i am just vaping 3mg nic with the knowledge its 95% safer than tobacco smoking.
So you must have willpower to do what you propose all i can say is good luck to you and remember it is possible and you can do it.
100% agree with you on this. You sound like that one voice that speaks inside my head about all the right thing i should do, it is now a matter of doing it.

Despite the saltiness in the original post I do agree with this statement: vaping did save my life and there is no doubt about that. it just may take a while to fully comprehend the full magnitude of it for me personally and to accept what comes after.
No matter what happens, dying as an addict (to something) is what i also accept And i can't commend you enough for doing this for others around you because you care about them!!!

Cheers for sharing man! That is exactly what I'm asking for - your opinion. I am in a place where i just need to know what others in this position think!

Thanks man, I wish I could do more to help you.

This March (13th) I'll have not smoked for 2 years, that date will also be my daughter's 18th birthday. Just before her 16th birthday I asked her what she wanted for her birthday and she said "I want you to stop smoking Dad, I don't want you to die" .... yeah .... phew, that was really fucking hard to take but yeah, it changed everything. I could see the fear in her eyes that she thought I might not make it to her 18th ... and on her birthday I went into town and bought my first set up, I got proper ripped off and I paid £60 for gear I could have got from Fasttech for £30 :D but hey, it was still worth every penny to me.
Thanks man, I wish I could do more to help you.

This March (13th) I'll have not smoked for 2 years, that date will also be my daughter's 18th birthday. Just before her 16th birthday I asked her what she wanted for her birthday and she said "I want you to stop smoking Dad, I don't want you to die" .... yeah .... phew, that was really fucking hard to take but yeah, it changed everything. I could see the fear in her eyes that she thought I might not make it to her 18th ... and on her birthday I went into town and bought my first set up, I got proper ripped off and I paid £60 for gear I could have got from Fasttech for £30 :D but hey, it was still worth every penny to me.

couldn't agree more with this. Mu kids at 5 and 4 asked me when I was going to stop smoking... This made stop the next day, went cold turkey for four years.

until last year. but when they asked me to stop, it hit hard.
Thanks man, I wish I could do more to help you.

This March (13th) I'll have not smoked for 2 years, that date will also be my daughter's 18th birthday. Just before her 16th birthday I asked her what she wanted for her birthday and she said "I want you to stop smoking Dad, I don't want you to die" .... yeah .... phew, that was really fucking hard to take but yeah, it changed everything. I could see the fear in her eyes that she thought I might not make it to her 18th ... and on her birthday I went into town and bought my first set up, I got proper ripped off and I paid £60 for gear I could have got from Fasttech for £30 :D but hey, it was still worth every penny to me.
No matter how much I have spent its worth it to be off the fags.
Just waiting for the E-Beer to come out so I can loose some weight.
Sorry for posting a motivational quote, I couldn’t help it.

Anyway, interesting post. I was a hardcore, avid smoker, and didn’t think I would ever have chucked it. I smoked weed for about 20 years and fags for about 30. I am sure that if I didn’t start vaping, I would still be smoking, and that has been a year and a couple of months I’ve been off them. I don’t even think about fags any more, I strongly dislike them. Even when I have mates round for a drink and allow them to smoke in the house, I have no urge to smoke one at all.

So it’s difficult for me to put myself in your position where you’ve gone back to smoking. Just because I’d have no urge to do it.

Keep in mind that from the evidence it looks like nicotine itself, outside of fag smoke, is not particularly addictive, or at least not nearly as addictive as fags are. It might be that you just didn’t stay off them long enough for the compulsion to smoke to fully go away?
As already perfectly put by simong. We are addicts, I certainly am and have no real intention of dropping my nic. I'd attempted to give up numerous times prior to vaping and not once did I have a period when I didn't desperately want to smoke, plus I was pretty unpleasant to be around.
I'm still proud I've not smoked for all this time and although I often question how much I really need to spend on the hobby side of vaping as long as I'm making significant savings on what.I was spending.while smoking I'm happy.
Unless there's a vaping alternative that is an improvement health/experience wise I shall be happy to stay exactly in the same place as I'm in until the end.
One step at a time bud.
thing is, as an addict.. to whatever it is, the person will never stop until they're ready to do so.

So until that time comes from yourself, don't beat yourself up about it.

but the not smelling of smoke anymore is a massive plus point lol.
Your spot on about the smell. It's not until you stop and your around a smoker that you realise just how much you must have stunk. I've been mortified.
I visit my brother in law regularly. I've attempted to convert him numerous times by supplying gear and juice and he has periods of vaping but only when he is broke, so it's more of an "only choice" situation so he is not mentally ready to change yet. But on my return from my visits, I have to strip my clothes of at the door and wash them as I stink.
As already perfectly put by simong. We are addicts, I certainly am and have no real intention of dropping my nic. I'd attempted to give up numerous times prior to vaping and not once did I have a period when I didn't desperately want to smoke, plus I was pretty unpleasant to be around.
I'm still proud I've not smoked for all this time and although I often question how much I really need to spend on the hobby side of vaping as long as I'm making significant savings on what.I was spending.while smoking I'm happy.
Unless there's a vaping alternative that is an improvement health/experience wise I shall be happy to stay exactly in the same place as I'm in until the end.
One step at a time bud.

Completely agree with this, but I would add that I’m definitely a lot less addicted to vaping than I was to fags. Although I would still struggle to stop vaping tomorrow, I can go much longer without it and never have that neurotic, climbing the walls, dread feeling I would get if I couldn’t smoke when I thought I needed one.
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