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For the super-addicted: Is vaping really needed?

I honestly think that at this point, if I couldn’t vape any more, I wouldn’t go back to smoking. Which is pretty amazing for me, and I’d never have thought this even a year ago when I’d not long given up. Even less so when I was still smoking.
I honestly think that at this point, if I couldn’t vape any more, I wouldn’t go back to smoking. Which is pretty amazing for me, and I’d never have thought this even a year ago when I’d not long given up. Even less so when I was still smoking.

I’d like to think this is true for me too but honestly when I have a few hours where I’m looking after the baby and I can’t vape then I get really antsy with the lack of nic.

I suspect that with the best intentions in the world I’d end up looking for a nic fix somewhere which surprises me as I’m on fairly low nic now. I mostly mtl 6mg
I’d like to think this is true for me too but honestly when I have a few hours where I’m looking after the baby and I can’t vape then I get really antsy with the lack of nic.

I suspect that with the best intentions in the world I’d end up looking for a nic fix somewhere which surprises me as I’m on fairly low nic now. I mostly mtl 6mg

Aye, I would find it difficult for sure, but I think comparing trying to give up fags cold turkey, definitely possible for me. I think this largely because I am so average to fags and fag smoke these days. It’s difficult for me to imagine going back to it.

When I smoked, I had this (irrational?) fear that if I quit, I’d spend the rest of my life craving fags. It filled me with dread. This started with someone who’d quit decades before telling me they still sometimes wanted to smoke. For me that translated to a lifetime of constant mad cravings.

I jump between 7.2 - 15 mg (more recently some 20mg since I came by some salt nic) as the mood takes me but I do notice with the higher strengths I vape significantly less liquid.
Completely agree with this, but I would add that I’m definitely a lot less addicted to vaping than I was to fags. Although I would still struggle to stop vaping tomorrow, I can go much longer without it and never have that neurotic, climbing the walls, dread feeling I would get if I couldn’t smoke when I thought I needed one.

Yup, 100% the same

Very true. There's definitely a psychological change now. If I leave my vape at home when popping out I do think "bugger" but It's no big deal. If that had been when I smoked I wouldn't have settled until I'd gone to a shop and picked up some more.

yup, 100% the same

The other week my mate picked me up in his van and we drove about 10 miles to a Maccy's to get a coffee, we sat in there for about 20 minutes and only when we were walking back to the van did I think "Oh shit, where's my vape?" ... I went back in to Mc Donalds because I thought I'd left it in there, nothing had been handed in. Then my mate says to me "are you sure you brought it with you? I've not seen it" .... and I was like "Really? wan't I vaping in the van on the way here?" and he says 'No, I almost said something because you weren't vaping" ... so we drive all the way back to my house and sure enough, it's sat there on the table. I didn't even think about it until I walked out of Maccys and thought "I fancy a vape now " and when I did realise I didn't have it on me I was more pissed off/worried about losing my epetite than not having something to vape. ..... which to me means it's far more of a habit than a 'real' addiction.
I honestly think that at this point, if I couldn’t vape any more, I wouldn’t go back to smoking. Which is pretty amazing for me, and I’d never have thought this even a year ago when I’d not long given up. Even less so when I was still smoking.

yeah..I think Im the same...the stink, cost, being treated like a leper, and a damn right will to live would see me alright.
My mother suffered from many physical conditions and a few mental health ones as a result, She used to smoke like a chimney for comfort and stress relief, the doc told her she should stop smoking, she barked at him "What? Smoking has saved my bloody life, if it wasn't for smoking I would've topped myself years ago" anyway she ended up vaping about a year before me, she smoked over 50 years and me over 34 years so vaping was the answer for us and my wife, so imo it's the only thing apart from will power available to quit that cigs, as for being weak, no your not weak just human, the choice is yours nobody else's nobody has a right to judge you unless they are perfect in every way and even then they should shut up. Good luck to you.
I too tried and tried, patches, gum, spray, tablets, even hypnotherapy and nothing would stop me. My son fell ill which my smoking would make worse and I STILL couldn’t stop.

My GP suggested vaping and here I am a year later smoke free.

My problem is I still think a LOT about rolling a cigarette, and would start smoking at the drop of a hat, it’s a constant battle.
My problem is I still think a LOT about rolling a cigarette, and would start smoking at the drop of a hat, it’s a constant battle.

Another thing to consider is how addicted we were to smoking in the first place.

I've rolled 3 a day for the wife for 5 years and only once have I thought about lighting one up. Vaping has been a 100% substitute for me, so I probably wasn't that addicted to smoking.
I smoked for more than 40 years! I never thought I would be able to give it up and to be quite honest I don't really know why I took up vaping it wasn't something I planned it just happened!! It was New Year 2014 and I got a Ego starter kit and some liquid and every time I wanted a Ciggie I had a vape instead, I don't know why it worked for me but I'm bloody glad it did! I still vape about 9mg of nic and am quite happy staying that way. I wish vaping had been around years earlier and that I hadn't smoked for so many years but just pleased I can now call myself a non smoker! I think if I could'nt vape I would be able to quit vaping much easier than smoking, I quite often go all afternoon and evening with just the odd toot now and again and don't panic if I go out without my vape gear unlike if I went ANYWHERE I always thought to take my fags and would have panicked like mad until I could get hold of a ciggy!!
My problem is I still think a LOT about rolling a cigarette, and would start smoking at the drop of a hat, it’s a constant battle.

I know what you mean.
I think this is the reason I enjoy coil building, rewicking and dripping.
Something to do with the hands as well as the 'rituals' with taking a drug......
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