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Free repair/service for mods

Could you possibly help me please?
Are you in the UK?

I have 2 Tesla Punk 220s one copper and one brass.
The micro usb port on the copper one has died and the brass one has a broken button.
Have looked all over the net at UK sites to try and buy replacements but they too old and discontinued now.

Hi, the usb port should be replaceable as there are only a few standard models. Regading the button, is it the external ornament or the actual switch under ?
Hi, the usb port should be replaceable as there are only a few standard models. Regading the button, is it the external ornament or the actual switch under ?

The microswitches for the power up and down buttons are broken on the board by the look of it :(
Those can be replaced, only a few models being used and are availble.
Those can be replaced, only a few models being used and are availble.

If its possible to fix either of the mods could you pm me your address when you have time and I will post them off?
Any idea what the cost would be for parts etc m8?
I've a mod I truly love, so much so it's sat dead in a cupboard for a couple of years.

It is a BIG job lol

The Lavabox DNA200 with extension kit.

Problems are:-
A. The board killed the LiPo
B. The board killed the replacement LiPo before I figured the board was bad.
C. I lost the hex bolts holding it together

Basically I have a pretty plastic box, but it means alot to me [emoji848]

If you're even slightly interested mate... Can you give me a quote to do whatever it needs? Ie board and lipo and screws ect

Parts cost money [emoji16]
Hi @KytanDale ive got around 5 Topside boards with bits of faults on them. That I’m not clever enough to fix.

Do you want me to send them to you so you can use them for bits or maybe you can repair them and use them for your customers?

Thanks Andy
Hi @KytanDale ive got around 5 Topside boards with bits of faults on them. That I’m not clever enough to fix.

Do you want me to send them to you so you can use them for bits or maybe you can repair them and use them for your customers?

Thanks Andy
You can, i can fix them ( if possible ) and send them back if you want to have spares. Or at least 1 or 2 fixed ones.
You can, i can fix them ( if possible ) and send them back if you want to have spares. Or at least 1 or 2 fixed ones.

No you keep them mate. You might be able to use bits and bats off them for other mods. Save you buying any.

Tbh the boards are cheap for me so it’s easier and more cost effective to just swap them rather than fault find.

So if you can recycle them , knock yourself out.

I’ve got at least 1 Topside Dual I could send for parts as well I think.

If you can email me your address I’ll try and get them out tomorrow ish

[email protected]

Cheers Andy
@KytanDale :)
When do you want me to start thinking about sending my special one up? There's no immediate rush so get the other jobs done first and then PM me when you're bearing completion. :2thumbsup:
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