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Freebie Hunters!

It is so hard not to enter all these delicious giveaways though, I'm like a child that doesn't want new toys, I neeeeed them haha...

I think the true freebie hunters are definitely the ones you never see offering a giveaway of their own even sporadically, that's why I did one of my own fairly early on, don't want to be named and shamed :(
What did I winninngs??

We watch carefully. Most of you folks know what to do when you suspect someone and invariably, once we are made aware..... we take action. Sometimes, we devise little games that usually end up with them tying themselves in knots, or sometimes, we just show them the door.
The principle offenders from days gone by have mainly moved on, but as ever, we still have our Lurkers.

We watch carefully. Most of you folks know what to do when you suspect someone and invariably, once we are made aware..... we take action. Sometimes, we devise little games that usually end up with them tying themselves in knots, or sometimes, we just show them the door.
The principle offenders from days gone by have mainly moved on, but as ever, we still have our Lurkers.

With the onset of VPN’s I’m guessing it’s become a little harder than looking at the ISP and seeing that 5 profiles are coming from the same place!
We do deep searches that got pretty complex when it's a new offender which tends to keep things on track, but yes VPN has made some jobs harder of course. We usually can dig deep enough, but it does take up more time than it once did.
That guy looks like he's entered quite a few dodgy things
4006100012 BOI RIELLO RDB COIL 3008648 Items 3 4 4.00 1.00 ENN1
4008100030 HX200 OAK S/RND OAK/CRM HX200OAKSRND Item 5 6 6.00 2.00 ENN1
4008100032 HX200 21" CREAM HEARTH HX20021CRMBASE Item 5 6 6.00 2.00 ENN1
4008100033 SAVENA ECOLITE BRASS FIRE Item 5 6 6.00 2.00 ENN1
4050100063 BUI M5X100 CHIPBOARD SCREWS PER 100 BOX Items 35 100 100.00 1.00 ENN1
4050100229 BUI M5x50 CHIPBOARD SCREWS PER 200 BOX Items 777 801 801.00 100.00 ENN1
4060100202 ARC PROFLEX WHITE STD SET ADH 20 TAWC002 Items 19 20 20.00 2.00 PLMI
5006100017 SIN BRISTAN TRAD BELFAST WASTE CP WSNK5C Items 1 2 2.00 1.00 BRIS
6028100007 EPH S PLAN 3 ZONE HEAT PACK 22MM CR322P Item 1 2 2.00 1.00 ENN1
6028100014 EPH 28MM 2 PORT VALVE V228P Item 1 2 2.00 1.00 ENN1
6028100031 EPH CYLINDER PIPE STAT WRP Item 2 3 3.00 1.00 ENN1
6028100140 EPH SAUTER 2 ZONE PROGRAMMER R27HW Item 2 3 3.00 1.00 ENN1
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