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Going to be building my first coils today,Got questions though


Feb 19, 2015
So i bought a Tsunami RDA and the rest of the gear i need to be able to make my own coils,I have 28 and 24 gauge wire , How many wraps should i do ?

I need to make 2 of them for my RDA , Well i dont have too but want too.

Are there any basic guides for building on the Tsunami ?

All help appreciated


What ohm you want? What you running it on mod wise? What pg/vg for your juice?

Do you have an ohm reader or the capability to read them on your mod?
As above, Steam Engine will help with building safely and is spot on for finding a desired resistance and how the difference in wraps is dictated by the wire gauge- I do a .6 ohm total on a dual build (2x1.2 ohm coils) 26aw kanthal, so about 10 wraps each. The lower you go, the more your batteries come into play in terms of safe drain, there are some great vids on YouTube to help keep it all safe. Enjoy your building :-)
As tuthers have said a lot will ball down to:
Do you use a reg mod? What kind of wattage range do you vape between?
Do you want a nice relaxed vape or are you going for 'clouds bro clouds'?

Personally I run my Tsunami single coil with a .2 build so if I jump from reg to mech I still get the vape I enjoy. Decent flavour, nice production with sensible airflow.

Horse for courses dude.
Yeah even though the tsunami will pretty much take anything I find a pair of 26awg nichrome coils at 0.2 is spot on for flavour.
Just posted this link on another thread, but feel it's appropriate here too.

If you're new to coil building and don't wanna piss about with a lighter and pliers/tweezers to get a near perfect coil, get yourself a set of these:

The Coilmaster tool is similar but more useful and less bulky - You only need the one handle, so coilmasters use interchangeable rods and heads, also comes in a little storage bag...
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