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Governments response to consultation paper on Tpd

What's not been mentioned yet is what we call vapour is in fact an aerosol. Vapour is a substance in the gas phase at a temperature..... An aerosol is a suspension of a substance as a liquid or solid in a gas (in our case air). They are not the same thing.

Your definition sounds right but I think your conclusion is wrong.
We heat the juice and make vapour surely.
We do not spray it through a nozel or use some other physical method to make an aerosol.
Quite happy to be educated on this if I am wrong.

I could see how a vapour could condense to droplets and turn from vapour to aerosol.
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It all hinges on the fact that is the juice we inhale turned into a gas ie. vapour or is it an aerosol ie. liquid droplets suspended in air?

I read somewhere that the juice is inhaled as an aerosol. Just that aerosolising doesnt sound as cool as vaping. Since i'm not a physicist I dont really know the answer.

Quote TPD
(16) ‘electronic cigarette’ means a product that can be used for consumption of nicotine-containing vapour via a mouth piece, or any component of that product, including a cartridge, a tank and the device without cartridge or tank. Electronic cigarettes can be disposable or refillable by means of a refill container and a tank, or rechargeable with single use cartridges;
It all hinges on the fact that is the juice we inhale turned into a gas ie. vapour or is it an aerosol ie. liquid droplets suspended in air?

I read somewhere that the juice is inhaled as an aerosol. Just that aerosolising doesnt sound as cool as vaping. Since i'm not a physicist I dont really know the answer.

Quote TPD
(16) ‘electronic cigarette’ means a product that can be used for consumption of nicotine-containing vapour via a mouth piece, or any component of that product, including a cartridge, a tank and the device without cartridge or tank. Electronic cigarettes can be disposable or refillable by means of a refill container and a tank, or rechargeable with single use cartridges;

You may have more of a point than I thought
From wikipedia on steam--
Steam is water in the gas phase, which is formed when water boils. Steam is invisible; however, "steam" often refers to wet steam, the visible mist or aerosol of water droplets formed as this water vapor condenses.

It does seem possible to me that ejuice is very briefly a gas but almost immediately condenses to an aerosol so it may be we are not inhaling vapour.
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Planet of the Aerosolisers

Cud be mistaken for Arseholes :) HAHA. Gotta lighten things up a bit around here

Seriously maybe there's some mileage in this?
Planet of the Aerosolisers

Cud be mistaken for Arseholes :) HAHA. Gotta lighten things up a bit around here

Seriously maybe there's some mileage in this?

It would require somene to take a court case and depend on whether the tpd used vapour in its meaning in physics or its common meaning
from oxford dictionaries.com
First meaning listed for vapour-- A substance diffused or suspended in the air, especially one normally liquid or solid:
Vapour ... aerosol .... this is a red herring with split hairs barking up the wrong tree, pedants get nowhere with EU law using semantic arguments like that.
Call me a cynic, but the government response seems to generally be "Screw you, we'll do whatever want regardless".

I note my point about the potential for conflict of interest with the MHRA gets a mention. I also note the complete absence of a response to this concern.

Bunch of corrupt tossers.... don't know why i even bothered wasting my time filling in the consultation survey. Fuckers just ignore us anyway (those that could actually be bothered to that is.... 709 responses FFS?).
Sounds like we (UK) got off lightly, could of been a lot worse. Some other EU states have brought the hammer down hard.

Still looking for clarification on nic base and will we still be able to buy large quantities, ie above 10ml and 20mg?
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