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Hastur Mini Juicy Issues.

I've had a bit of a tinker session last night, and here's another build that seems to work really well:

~10 wraps of 27ga SS 316L, spaced, 2.5mm ID. Comes out about 0.75 ohms. In temp control about 195C or wattage 15W, no issues whatsoever with juicy business.
Anybody else getting this bubbling liquid sensation, as if there’s liquid floating about in the chamber? It’s different from gurgling. It’s when this happens that it seems there is a risk of liquid coming up the tip.

Also there seems to be quite a bit of air leak round the afc ring. The different settings don’t make a home he difference for me. Try setting it between the holes so it should be
fully closed and you might see what I mean.
First part of your post sounds like flooding/ wicking too fast?
First part of your post sounds like flooding/ wicking too fast?

It’s not really flooding, it doesn’t gurgle and there’s no liquid getting in the airhole or near the inside of the base. I’m certain it’s liquid in the tip. I’m using the smaller black one now, which is a bit better. I’ve tried both on the dvarw though and they don’t have the problem, and it doesn’t seem to happen with the dvarw tip on the hastur.If the liquid is in the tip and my theory is correct, it’s a combined problem of the hastur and the tips.

I think the chamber is too small and the chimney too narrow. I wonder if it might be particular to my puff style? Other people are reporting juice out the tip though. That’s not happening to me but I think it’s the same issue.
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It may have something to do with vaping styles ..... I vape with I guess not a lot of vapour production, if you are creating more vapour than that little chamber and narrow chimney can handle with either a bigger coil/more power or whatever that may cause problems?

I'm not sure to be honest, some shit just doesn't work for people and I'm often at a loss why. There's too many variables to figure it out I think.
It may have something to do with vaping styles ..... I vape with I guess not a lot of vapour production, if you are creating more vapour than that little chamber and narrow chimney can handle with either a bigger coil/more power or whatever that may cause problems?

I'm not sure to be honest, some shit just doesn't work for people and I'm often at a loss why. There's too many variables to figure it out I think.
I think this is the very reason why our mind boggles when we find the perfect vape. Tell everyone about it and the reception of salutes and fanfare's you expected just ends up being a couple of "yeah it's really good 's" or "nah I prefer the kayfun"
The variables in draw pressure, length added to coil size, ohms, placement, materials blended with juice flavour , viscosity ect ect.
Plus ultimately we all perceive different results as perfection.
Best we can say is it gives me a bloody decent vape. I think its better than the dvarw. Not by much but marginally better to my tastes and filling plus rewicking is so easy.
It may have something to do with vaping styles ..... I vape with I guess not a lot of vapour production, if you are creating more vapour than that little chamber and narrow chimney can handle with either a bigger coil/more power or whatever that may cause problems?

I'm not sure to be honest, some shit just doesn't work for people and I'm often at a loss why. There's too many variables to figure it out I think.

I don’t think it’s too much vapour in my case, I’ve had 4 or 5 wraps of 32awg in it. And strangely it seems worse at lower power. At 14w it wasnt happening so much as at 10w.

I think it might be to do with wicking, I rewicked it and narrowed the ends a bit (I never usually do this) and it seems to have improved matters. It’s been an intermittent thing, and happening much less with this wick.

It definitely hits the spot when it’s not doing my nut in. :D It’s a keeper, I can see this and the dvarw occupying the elfins for the foreseeable future.
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