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Hello Sweeties!


New Member
Mar 19, 2014
:yahoo: Hi everyone!

Lovely to meet all of you! I'm Hana, and I'm a student who, until recently, had been smoking for eight years. I loved it! (or I thought I did), I refused to give up because I insisted that I 'enjoyed it'. I tried a few disposable ecigs in an attempt to cut down (because the scottish winter is foul for smoking in), but I always went straight back to the faithful rollies within a few days. But then my flatmate got a proper tank-like ecig, and I was fascinated! It looked like a sonic screwdriver and could taste like watermelon. Magic!

So I went out and bought one as soon as I could, and now I love vaping! I have had ONE cigarette in two weeks - which was today, and it tasted disgusting! I'm currently vaping some lovely butterscotch flavour, and I'm so pleased I gave up the fags! my skin looks beautiful as a result of not continuously smoking, and I can vape from the comfort of my livingroom. So, I am a very happy convert!

Anyway, hello fellow vapers - hope everyone is having an awesome day!

H xxxx
I admit that the sonic screwdriver like appearance also first drew my fiance and I to the tank vapes. But the Mechanical mods look like LIGHTSABERS and having gone to dripping atomizers I couldnt go back to a tank.

Welcome welcome!! Im also new!
Hi @Hamazeballs and welcome to the planet, alas tis too late for my skin to return to how it was 100yrs ago but I have certainly felt all the other benefits of giving up smoking. Enjoy your stay and keep up the good work.
Hello Hana, glad you are enjoying the vape

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