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Help to Defend Vapers

Vibrant Vapours

Oct 11, 2012
I was a 22+year smoker, having started when I was younger. I have been "vaping" now for nearly 11 months. I have had no ill side effects from vaping. I have however, had numerous side effects from quitting smoking. They mostly included a lot of coughing, tight chest, generally feeling ill. As the weeks progressed and I stayed off of the cigarettes, I began to feel better, able to walk miles compared to just a few hundred feet, my breathing was getting stronger. Not only was I getting better, all 3 of my kids stopped coughing, my oldests asthma is nearly completely gone. My house no longer stinks, my hair and clothes smell fresh, my walls no longer have tar stains on them. By quitting smoking, I cut out 4000+ chemicals. By starting vaping, I introduced my body, to absolutely nothing it hadn't had all ready. PG is common in food flavourings, VG is the #1 ingredient in COUGH MEDICINE, and nicotine. Is vaping safer than smoking? YES. Is it healthier? YES. However, is VAPING right for everyone? NO. Think people will poke fun of you for using an ecig? Yeah, they probably will. But so what. While there is a group of people out in the smoking shelter hacking up their lungs and smoking, I am happily vaping INSIDE out of the cold and rain and healthier than I have ever been. Ecigs have been around for a lot longer than we like to admit, the first one being invented some time in the 60's I believe and becoming more widely available in the earlier part of this decade. Millions of smokers have successfully stopped smoking with an ecig. You have to take into account the subconscious addiction as well. For years, many of us have grown accustomed to the hand to mouth, inhale exhale, motions of smoking, training our bodies and brains that it is natural. ECIGs help curb the subconscious addiction as well by mimicking the motions of smoking. Check out Planet of The Vapes if you find yourself in need of advice in relation to ecigs, an online community of some of the most helpful ecig users out there.
My long winded reply... as soon as it lets me sign up... :)
I've done it too, bu it's not showing yet and I did it a couple of hours ago :(
LOL some people are actively voting down my replies lol
Maybe refer to the recent health studies and the blog in which former ASH director Clive endorses ecigs?

Deffo stick with a safer alternative mentality. Cant please everyone!!
Well my reply has still not come up, but I've gone and thumbed uped the positive replies :) wonder where my reply has gone, it was bloody good :D
Sometimes the ignorant choose to remain ignorant and I feel a lot of people on that site VV, are choosing to remain ignorant.
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