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Help with my build

Thank you!

So out of curiosity - would the above parallel build work better at higher (more than 50) watts?

Yes yes. Parralel to me is for 70+ watts. Some people will disagree. That is just my personal opinion.
My daily driver is my SMPL coupled with a Derringer. Dual coiled (10 wraps on 2.5mm, I think) with .4mm NiCr, ekes out at 0.5ohm altogether.

Closed down, it's a great flavour producer. Open it up to 2 or 3 holes and you can fog out a room no probs. Best of both worlds! Fella in the street with a Doge and a big box stopped me to ask what the hell I was using the other day, so it does definitely produces! That was on 50/50 too... ;)

I found it helpful in the Mutation to angle your coils with the AFC, sometimes helps keeping parallel builds tight too. Hate working with 'em, but they certainly work.

And mind, it's not always about the power. I can get a better vape off a well built coil on a mech (Ohm's law 'an all that jazz) than a monster on a VW mod. I'm mainly using my box mods for low power applications now, and 'cos the batteries last aaaaages when you're puffing at 10-15w.

100w is really handy for making folk say "What the fuck is that" though...
Yes yes. Parralel to me is for 70+ watts. Some people will disagree. That is just my personal opinion.

You're so right Raguri - after playing around with it for a bit, have found that first toot = crap, second slightly better, third and forth better again.

Presumably it gets better due to the coil still retaining some of its heat and taking less time to heat up.

It needs more than 50 watts god damn it!!
You're so right @Raguri - after playing around with it for a bit, have found that first toot = crap, second slightly better, third and forth better again.

Presumably it gets better due to the coil still retaining some of its heat and taking less time to heat up.

You've got it :)
My new build

ImageUploadedByPlanet of the Vapes1427969418.016221.jpg

10 wraps of 26g on each. Comes out at 0.7 ohms.

50 watts and vapes like a champ. No ramp up time and flavour is back!

Thanks Raguri for all your advice. Learning something new everyday!
They don't look very high above the well, have you got enough airflow going under the coil?

Hmm I don't know. They're in line with the bottom row of airflow holes...

Think it might be best to lift them up a bit? I'm definitely getting plenty of vapour and flavour as it is, but always open to new ideas!
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