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New Member
Jul 2, 2013
Hi all,

Been a casual lurker in the forums forums for a couple of months now, ever since I got interested in in vaping. Since then I gradually eased my way in via a single battery CE4 kit, and gradually phased out the fags. Now happy to say I'm 100% digital and haven't touched a real cigarette in a just under a month. My kit currently consists of my original EGO, an EGO Twist, Kanger t2 and t3, an iClear 30 and an STV. Next on my list are a Kanger Protank and a some kind of mod - heard amazing things about the MVP, but also the VAMO and STV, so might need some help with that... I'm also having trouble deciding on decent juice, and looking to explore dripping so any help would be massively appreciated.

Welcome from me :)

And it's a welcome from him.

Hi and welcome mate. I am in a similar position to you. Still running on CE5+ kit and feel the need for a mod soon but so confused about what to go for.
Thanks guys, after a quick visit to the bargain basement I just discovered Fast Tech and ordered myself a Vamo! Just wondered about batteries and a charger - I'm guessing by the look of things VapeGear are best for price/speed?
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