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How many Watts are too many...


Sep 6, 2014
I have an MPV 2, I use it nearly every day with either a mini protank 3 or a protank 3, it's fine for work. I sometimes use an ego battery with the mini protank 3 in the car, again it's fine. At home I tend to use either my stingray or my GP paps with a magma dripper.

I was satisfied and I still am satisfied with the MPV, but I wondered if I needed MORE POWER. I thought about the Sigelei 100 watt, and then I thought about the ohms calculator I use for my builds for the stingray and Paps. I usually stick between 0.8 and 1.2 ohms, this suits the vapour I like and the juices I have. I stay around the 1 ohm mark when in 18350 mode, my efests are ok for 6 amps so I'm theoretically ok down to 0.75 ohms ish, but I'm a build in a bit of leeway type safety wise. If I'm 18500 I might go 0.8, which on a fresh battery is about 5.25 amps, the batteries are good to 11 amps. The calculator tells me 0.8 ohms 4.2 Volts is about 22 Watts.

22 watts. Hmmm. So, I bought a Sigelei 50 Watt. My thought process being that I'm not a super sub ohmer, 0.4 ohms is the lowest I've been, dual coil, and it was too harsh. Out of curiosity I've had a couple of puffs at 50 watts, 40 watts and 35 watts, again, too hot, pointless (for me).

Is there a point to this?

Good question.

The point is that I've found I get the best vape between 15 and 20 watts, that's all I need. If you don't like car analogies look away now.

Whilst the thought of a Ferrari is all well and good and we'd all like a go in one, the simple truth is they're bugger all use for popping to the shops or at the Drive Thru.

You might be like me and thinking about buying a 100 Watt, 150 Watt mod, but do you need it? Unless you're competition cloud chasing or use your mod for grilling chops I don't think you do.

You've just bought one anyway haven't you? Mmmmm it's shiny.


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You talk sense sir.....ive got 2 dna30's and never vape past 15watts.....and my builds never lower then 1 ohm
Silly question guys. I've just bought a hanna DNA 30 clone from fast tech. When I'm using my kayfun on my svd it tastes a bit burnt above 12 watts. My coil is 1.4 ohm. Am I doing something wrong here.

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Someone more enlightened will also answer, but it sounds like your build isn't wicking properly, the juice is being used quicker than the wick is taking it up.

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most I've built is on a genesis, kraken at 35 Watts.....
not too warm and wicks great on SS rope and mesh
so a DNA30 would be pushing it for gennies as most of my builds end up sub ohm
(average 0.8 ohm)
and I have 3 gennies, my go to devices.
drippers I tend to build 1 to 1.5 ohm per coil on muji
so dual could be 0.5 ohm.
I think more than 30w would come in handy if you want to chase clouds. (I don't; and find the only times I go above 20w with my Fasttech DNA30 Mini, is when an atty gurgles due to my bad wicking).
I used clearomizers for my first 8 months and don't think you need any more than about 10w I vaped them mainly between 8w to 9w
now I'm using RBA's as well and don't bother sub ohming on them I have tried but I feel there isn't adequate air flow for sub ohm high watt vaping ( might be wrong but that's my experience) but they have better wicking so I can sometimes go as high as 15w to 20w
i like dessert vapes and find going too high ruins the flavour
I will eventually buy an RDA but am holding out as I'm afraid it will make my RBA's and clearos seem too weak and I don't want to do that yet as I'm still enjoying my RBA's and clearo's (with my own cotton coils) but in the future when I do buy a dripper that's when I'll start experimenting with sub ohming and see how high I can crank the watts up.
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I have a feeling the people who will post here to agree don't dual coil drippers or build genesis
Ummm, don't understand the question:woot:. I've been using mechs for the last 6 months or so and am quite happy. Of course I might be persuaded that I need something else.
1.21 Giga Watts might be considered too much...

Ok, I have a 100W Sig, Ok I don't really take my 0.8Ohm dual coil Fogger much above 23.5 W, but I do take my Mephisto ( dc, 0.3Ohm) and Veritas( single coil 0.25 ohm) over 50W. Some juices actually do taste a bit better - to me - on higher power. Yes a few chaps I've let have a go have taken it up to 90W and had fun.
Do i need the 100 W, probably not, but could I get a 50W device at the time? Frak no! Do I like the design of the Sig, ooh aye. Regrets? A few but not over the Sig!
I will probably end up getting another 50 or 100W gadget as soon as I get some spare cash as I get or like having the extra power available, on a Meff with Ginger nut, 40-46W is lovely.

I am also quite happy using my old Nemi with a VTC5 in it.

Each to their own, that is what this life caper is about so I am told. I like certain juices with certain builds at higher wattage.

Have you had a go with a high power device yet??
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