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How many Watts are too many...

I used a mvp2 for 6+ months and after much thought and curiosity and a cheap deal i bought a dna 30.

11 watts on the dna, is nothing like 11 watts on the mvp.... I can only guess its down to the battery on the mvp - discharge rate maybe ....

I would recommend anyone thinking what's the point my mvp does 11watts to try a dna or other higher watt device, im happy with the 30 watts, i only vape on 11watts -13watts with a kayfun.
Great discussion on this, the higher watts vapers must have super temperature tolerant lungs. I AM NOT SCARED OF VAPING OVER 30 WATTS. Ahem.

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I have the quad coil Aerotank Turbo and can use it at 30w without any burning taste, but it's just too much. It makes me cough and gives me a sore throat, so I've dropped it to 18w and now I don't get the same flavour.

To get good flavour you need heat and airflow, for which single/dual coil rebuildables are perfect but you'd never need to go above 20w with a normal build.

But I still can't wait to get my hands on the God 180..................
My recent box mod build can hit 1kilowatt......

Eliquid seems to ignite around the 500watt mark so I would consider that the ultimate limit :D

I've been vaping on a legitimate 100+watts for the last couple of days before recharging the pack. I used 1800mah to do this.

Ohms law will explain how all this is possible but as a result of this little experiment I now consider a .16 ohm dripper on a 26650 mech mod back up for slumming it.

In answer to the hot vape, airflow is the key, and practice, and mixing your own juice because 100+watts is fucking thirsty. I feel a squonker is in the near future :)
Silly question guys. I've just bought a hanna DNA 30 clone from fast tech. When I'm using my kayfun on my svd it tastes a bit burnt above 12 watts. My coil is 1.4 ohm. Am I doing something wrong here.

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I'm vaping my kayfun on my mvp. The coil is 0.9 ohm and I'm vaping at 9 watts.
I wonder if 12 watts might be a bit high?*

*Not sarky, serious question. It sounds a bit high.
I thought .4 or .5 ohms on my mephisto was mental, but I had a go on a 100watt box with a .4 ohm dripper on the full 100 watts at the clan gathering.....now that's mental......I'm sure the guy (cant remember his name due to large quantities of drink consumed) must have fireproof lungs....
I'm vaping my kayfun on my mvp. The coil is 0.9 ohm and I'm vaping at 9 watts.
I wonder if 12 watts might be a bit high?*

*Not sarky, serious question. It sounds a bit high.

I have the same resistance and am vaping at 18 watts.
I started my vaping with a cig-a-like,killed its battery in 4 hours (as I chain-vaped constantly)I then got 2 ego+clearomizers & was happily chugging through 30ml in 2 weeks(18mg)In steps an RDA so I was forced to build a dual 18650 celled box to power it & worked my way down to 0.4 ohms before deciding RDA's were spawn of the devil & resumed chuffing away on an Aga-S with dual coils & extra holes drilled in the cap.I had by then bought a Vamo and was happy with my 18mg juices in clearo's at no more than 9 watts.I bought a few other tank type devices (Russian 91%,RSST etc)but still vaped 18mg @ no more than 10 watts.

Then decided to retry the RDA's,so out came the tools and the Chinese clone RDA was duly stabbed with an assortment of ever larger drills & the 18650's were now VTC4's(instead of recycled laptop cells)& the tube mod was now Kylin(shit)Sigelie(shit)and copper clone(awesome)and batteries were now including 26650's in a Hades clone(shit) Then I happened on a box mod built using lipo cells so did a little research & bought a heap of 1000 mah lipo cells & a couple of Hammond enclosures.An hour later,I was now vaping an RDA @ 0.34 ohms and the box mod allowed this kind of output for easily 30 hours of chain-vaping. This convinced me to switch to RDA's full time,and the DIY juice production allowed large clouds of tasty vapour & I noticed I was finally getting nicotine "rushes" so could lower the nicotine content in my juices & not suffer cranky behaviour.The lipo mod production went a little mental in the last few months & I'd bought some physically large cells so needed a huge box/enclosure of some kind to house them.Enter 1 plastic box that is almost large enough to live in,and some jiggerypokery with 2.5mm thick cabling/110A rated mosfet and the result is a constant 8.2+ volts @ 0.78 ohms = 90+ watts cutoff where I recharge the cells so I can vape over 12 hours @ 110+ watts.Yes I do get through a lot of juice(upto 20ml per day)Yes I do look like I'm driving a traction engine.Yes I do get stared at(so fuck)Yes I do enjoy it.Yes I do tend to melt the insulators on centre-pins(clone drippers so easy to replace)cheap to modify,to get even more vapour.My minds eye sees the fog & is sated,even if there is no nicotine in the juice. I am so pleased with the results of this box,I intend to build another with variable power,and another with even higher output as each increase in voltage is reducing the current drawn & thus will enable me to revert back to the 1000 mah cells in smaller enclosures,but still get long runtimes.

As for anyone else's preferred wattage,if you're getting satisfaction from 1 watt or 1 million watts doesn't matter.The only thing that matters is you're not smoking.
I guess the answer will differ with each person. The most power i've vaped at so far is about 90w on a mech and dripper so far but will keep pushing it further over time.

This is just when I'm mucking about making big clouds thinking wooaah, I'm usually vaping at about 25w on my Rose which is about 95% of the time

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