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How Will UK "Smokefree Generation" Law Affect Vapers?

Toby iVapour

Jul 12, 2012
From the government -
Stopping the start: our new plan to create a smokefree generation- Gov UK

Article about it here -
This is the full list of vaping policy changes under consideration:
  • Restricting vape flavors
  • Regulating packaging and product presentation
  • Regulating point of sale displays
  • Restricting the sale of disposable vapes
  • Introducing an age restriction for non-nicotine vapes
  • Exploring further restrictions for other nicotine consumer products such as nicotine pouches
  • Preventing industry giving out free samples of vapes to children
The idea of flavor or disposable bans must be maddening to UK vaping advocates, whose hard work has led to the least intrusive and most liberal vaping product regulation in the world. That could all change soon, depending on how the government balances its priorities. And, even if the Sunak government doesn’t ban flavors or disposables, that Pandora’s box has been opened. The next UK government—likely led by the left-of-center Labour Party—may well have fewer worries over banning products nicotine consumers prefer.
People of all ages are being invited to take part in a "public consultation seeking views on plans to crack down on youth vaping" by reducing the appeal, affordability and availability of vapes to our children.

Respond online

The consultation launched 14 October 2023 and is open to anyone, of any age, in the UK and includes proposals to restrict child-friendly flavours and bright coloured packaging. People have 8 weeks to share their experiences and opinions and help shape future policy on vaping and smoking.


The consultation period will run until Wednesday 6 December 2023.

I'm filling it in now.. disturbing stuff...
e.g. on the "restricting vape flavours page" questions - the way it is set out seems to indicate that they are going to restrict them anyway, but they want opinions as to by how much... :(

Thread on the forum discussing the survey here -
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The consultation period will run until Wednesday 6 December 2023.
Extremely well-written draft to the consultation from Clive Bates -
UK smoking and vaping policy consultation – my draft response

This could help anyone who hasn't filled it out yet - it clearly lays out all the questions (and the inappropriate way the consultation is laid out), and also to help think through the issues...
On several occasions, the online survey provides incomplete or simplistic options to choose from if you disagree with the government’s apparent intentions. This is frustrating, but it should not stop you from responding – if necessary, with a Don’t know or a negative response (No or Disagree) with an explanation in the written answer. Don’t respond positively to anything if you think doing so could be misconstrued as support for something you do not support.
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Restrict shortfills restrict mods !!

if you click any agree or yes you automatically move to the next section missing the subsections

the subsections have the specific questions

And no one and I mean no one, no reviewer, no talk, no one has done a live or a stream addressing the questions and how to answer them

I will say it again it’s over…… if this paper goes through that’s it I hope you have a big freezer for all the nic and juice you will have to buy


On a point of vaper expo the paper wasn’t even mentioned at the show people just didn’t care or even knew about it, it was sad to see that
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Bet the "fairy liquid" vendors are busy with sales

the show was partly “the good old days” lots of pushing for how mods were Jesus get over it the good old days have gone there dead if people want to continue to vape they have got to fight for it
And no one and I mean no one, no reviewer, no talk, no one has done a live or a stream addressing the questions and how to answer them
Wow, that surprises me...
But I'm not au fait with YT reviewers these days...

Is Todd still going these days?
Or what about that short guy with glasses and a big mouth?

In fact, who are the main UK YT reviewers?
(Scott Bonner stopped years ago)
Is Todd still going these days?
I just looked, and he's still about.. in fact he just uploaded a vid today...

I just emailed him asking if he's interested in doing a video highlighting the need on filling in the consultation.
Thanks for the poke Toby :D

I'm no vaping advocate but as you requested I have shared the info on my YouTube community page, FB page and will word something for IG later.


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