I'm not the one spouting BS.
If people are going to make statements then back them up with some EVIDENCE.
How many posts have we all seen on POTV from people having problems like this? And how many times can anyone remember such a post where they didn't have any nicotine in their juice?
I can't remember ANY.
Can heating and vaping other ingredients like PG or certain flavourings cause a problem? YES
Can metals leak into your vape? YES
Is vaping nic free juice completely free of risk? NO
However, the posts on POTV prove that such cases are far more RARE compared to the problems people report when vaping nicotine.
That's why no-one has managed to find a single post from anyone reporting soreness vaping nic free juice.
All I've seen is people clutching at straws. It's the PG, it's the flavour or it's because they saw a black cat while walking under a ladder.
So come on. Prove me wrong and lets see your evidence.