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iJoy 20700


Dec 29, 2016
They've arrived at last!

We've been aware of the emerging 20700 battery tech since late last year, but waited to see what would happen before pressing the button on bringing anything new to the table.

Around February, via industry contacts in our other business we became aware of a couple of businesses working on devices to use them and at the end of April, several new devices finally hit shelves.

We had initially desperately tried to get the Sanyo 20700A cells but a mass market shortage meant we had to shelve the idea of ever being able to get them. This left us with few options.

Our first issue was cell choice. Its now been confirmed that the iJoy, eFest and Ampking are all the same cell. While not divulging too many industry secrets, its made by a very well known and reputable manufacturer and Mooch himself has given them a great review.

The second was a way of giving them to our customers. Everything else we sell is delivered to you in an 18650.UK branded hard case. As the moment, there are no 20700 variants and in the interest of safety, we decided to delay bringing them to market until we had an option. We now do, in the form of our new soft shell EVA zipper cases which every 20700 for the foreseeable will be shipped in.

You can find them on our site here - https://18650.uk/product/ijoy-20700/

If you have any questions, feel free to fire away below, or drop us an email :)

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