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Is my new Kayfun shafted already?


Nov 18, 2013

I received my new Hcigar Kayfun 3.1ES last week from Vape Geek - it arrived while i was away on tour and was just sitting there on the doormat to welcome me on my return). I managed to vape just one tank before everything went wrong. I put on my own coil - just a standard coil on voodoo wool, went to check it on the trusty old MVP, and it completely refuses to read it. I did risk a quick test pulse on my nemesis, which was a big mistake as it started to get hot hot hot. I'm pretty sure the coil wasn't a super low ohm job, and am wondering if the shiny new atty is now hosed, and whether it was something I've done. I've read that the 510 connector can cause a ground short if it's not seated directly in the middle, but it looks fine on this one. Help!


if its sub ohm or below 1.2 most likely the MVP wont read it because of the built in ohms protection.
If you havent got one already get yourself an ohms tester, its a muct have piece of kit when building your own coils
The coil was either too low resistance for your device (test them first or you'll ruin batteries!) OR the coil is touching something it shouldn't be, either the deck beneath it or, more likely, the chimney causing a short.

this sounds like a bad short to me mate
if you want you can allways send it back to us,if its fawlty then i will be more than happy to replace it for you,but if its something you done yourself,then i might be able to replace some of the parts free of charge
but as i said,and im sure other vapers will confirm that,this sounds like a bad short
did you tryed if the coil only glow up?obviously without the voodoo wool in it?
make sure before you recoil the kayfun,you allways check if the coil light up before you put cotton or wool in it
let me know please
Hi Rob,

No, I didn't try it without the silica first, but can't work out for the life of me where the short happened - nothing was touching the deck, the coils were even and not touching, the chimney wasn't even on!
That's a really kind offer - I'll pop it back in the post.

many thanks,

and Phantom Diablo - the MVP will happily read the ohms - I've had it pop up at 0.7 before. It just doesn't fire below 0.9. Mason - I was using my nemesis with a sony VCT4 18650, which should handle most sub-ohm builds (not that I'm into those kind of shenanigans anyway).
The fact that the MVP wouldn't read the ohms should have told you that there was a fault somewhere. Its just not worth risking it in my opinion.
How many coil wraps and what size wire did you use mate? The mvp's positive pin can get pushed down by some attys (iclear 30 would do that on mine I think) so it may need teasing up a little with a flat headed screw driver. The positive pin on the kf 3.1 may not be screwed in tight, also when I connect the negative leg of a coil I always wrap it on the outside of the screw (away from the positive block).
could also simply be if the mvp isnt reading anything the pin on the kayfun isnt making proper contact.
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