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Is This a New Service ?


Mar 23, 2020
It's very rare i go to the Doctors Surgery with not being able to go out so today i had a Telephone Consultation, which is a new thing apparently. Anyway the Consultation was about my Asthma, how many times i use my inhalers and any attacks in the past Month or so. The usual shizz, then he asked if i smoked which kind of wound me up because i have told them on numerous occasions that i have quit, i told him that i didn't smoke and that i now Vape. His response shocked me when he replied, Do you need help ceasing vaping as the surgery has just started this service. I told him no and that was that. He then reminded me about the Vaping Cessation Service that they offered then went on his way. Anyone else had this new service offered ?.
It's very rare i go to the Doctors Surgery with not being able to go out so today i had a Telephone Consultation, which is a new thing apparently. Anyway the Consultation was about my Asthma, how many times i use my inhalers and any attacks in the past Month or so. The usual shizz, then he asked if i smoked which kind of wound me up because i have told them on numerous occasions that i have quit, i told him that i didn't smoke and that i now Vape. His response shocked me when he replied, Do you need help ceasing vaping as the surgery has just started this service. I told him no and that was that. He then reminded me about the Vaping Cessation Service that they offered then went on his way. Anyone else had this new service offered ?.
Not verbally but in a questionnaire I filled in to update summat or other
Yes my surgery has been doing it for awhile. they say it's saves wasting time but the amount of people who Phone for a appointment then don't show up is a joke think it was around 130 last month it can be abit annoying as you don't know who you are talking to it could be a locum so they don't have a clue about anything other than what's on there screen that's why when I phone I make sure I speak to a doc I've had before
if my surgery asked me if i wanted to join the stop vaping group i think ill get struck of their list.
weve had telephone consults for a good few years. try and make an appointment and get told none available for 2 months but you can have a call back within 2 days.
whats new for me anyway is econsult. asked for another doc callback to get a bottle of morphine which is now like getting blood out of a stone. they said use econsult which is quicker. they text you a link and then you fill out around 18 pages of crap. usual what meds are you on and then your bmi height and weight and then sex, with 12 fukin options to chose from. then the fun bit. do you understand you meds and have you taken more than you should by mistake. god help anyone that says yes to that one. i said after 40 years of taking meds i think im clued up on what they do and their side effects.
anyway after all that i still got a call from a doctor 2 days later asking me to explain everything again so defeits the object of using an online service in the first place.
I was mainly asking about the Vaping Cessation so sorry for any confusion. I mainly speak to my Doctor on the phone anyway. So is the Vaping Cessation Service new or as it been around a while ?.
That's a new one on me. Of course around here that kind of service would be about as popular as a financial advice service run by Liz Truss. :)
That's a new one on me. Of course around here that kind of service would be about as popular as a financial advice service run by Liz Truss. :)

Maybe my surgery thinks it's a service that might be needed with the upcoming changes ahead, maybe Doctors know more and have a better insight of what is really going to happen. It has made me think for the first time in god knows how long :P . Maybe it's something that's meant to be kept quiet and the Doctor who asked me was a bit over zealous
Maybe my surgery thinks it's a service that might be needed with the upcoming changes ahead, maybe Doctors know more and have a better insight of what is really going to happen. It has made me think for the first time in god knows how long :P . Maybe it's something that's meant to be kept quiet and the Doctor who asked me was a bit over zealous

As vape hobbyists I think most of us have learned enough to know how easy it would be to for people to do themselves quite a bit of harm if they start vaping ultra high nic vapes like sweets and overdo things without realising. Then you're getting people like drug dealers who are now filling up empty pods with all sorts of shite such as 'Spice' to create Zombie vapes to hoock people and get them onto drugs so I can imagine why there will be some people who need help when they've made bad choices about what they vape.
As vape hobbyists I think most of us have learned enough to know how easy it would be to for people to do themselves quite a bit of harm if they start vaping ultra high nic vapes like sweets and overdo things without realising. Then you're getting people like drug dealers who are now filling up empty pods with all sorts of shite such as 'Spice' to create Zombie vapes to hoock people and get them onto drugs so I can imagine why there will be some people who need help when they've made bad choices about what they vape.

I have never thought about drug infused vapes tbh but i suppose that could be something that could be easily done, Strawberry Spliff has a nice ring to it lol.
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