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Just putting a feeler out.


Staff member
Aug 18, 2013
As many of you are "comparatively" new, by which I mean within the last couple of years.......
We used to run a Secret Santa thing on here. It was masterminded by our very own Santa who you may know was @u8myufo :santadance::worship::worship:

Santa has retired and the event ceased running during Covid and various Lockdowns etc. Now I do know that like so many tasks undertaken on here, it "can" be pretty thankless, but...... It may well be that unbeknownst to us all, Santa had an apprentice!!!!

So, would this be an idea worth revisiting? Time is somewhat against us, so if you respond rapidly with either a Yes, or a No, we can see whether The Apprentice is around and up for giving it a go. :)
I've got absolutely no idea how this is meant to work but I'll join in and have a go. :)
Simple. Santa makes a list of names taking part, then he pairs your name with a recipient and you then buy a small gift for them.
Then your name’s pairs to someone else and they buy you a gift. Names and addresses will be collected by Santa when the event starts
You might want to look at your recipients posts to get ideas:2thumbsup:
Simple. Santa makes a list of names taking part, then he pairs your name with a recipient and you then buy a small gift for them.
Then your name’s pairs to someone else and they buy you a gift. Names and addresses will be collected by Santa when the event starts

I'm fine with that. :)
I'd love to join, but funds are going to be stretched extremely thin this Christmas unfortunately.
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